#90 Stay

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#90 Stay - Taylor Swift (lyrics)

Luke: People like you always want back the love they gave away 

You didn’t recognise what was wrong with your relationship with Luke until he left. When he left, you realised that he was always looking for something in return. If he made the dinner, you had to make two dinners after that to repay him for doing such a demanding job. When he left, you spent your time feeling free, not having to repay anyone for making the dinner. You were able to go out with your friends and not care about coming home to an angry boyfriend. When he came back, you were almost shocked to realise how much…work it took to go out with him.

“Babe can you get me a beer?” he asked, snapping you away from your train of thought. You nodded, slipping yourself away from his arm wrapped around your waist. You opened the fridge, blinking.

“Sorry, babe, there’s no beer in the fridge,” you told him. He nodded.

“Yeah. Can you uh…get me some?” he asked, shrugging.

“You want me to go to the store?” you asked. He nodded.

“It would be nice,” he shrugged.

“All I’m saying,” he motioned to the necklace you were wearing, which he’d bought for you in Italy. You knew it would take a lot more than just going to the store to make it up to him, but it felt like you were his slave- if he gave you nice things, you had to work for him.

“Okay, Luke,” you sighed, nodding.


Calum: All I know is that you drove us off the road

"Fuck off, Calum," you pushed him out the door, and he kept it open.

"(Y/N) Stop." He yelled. "I’m sorry," he promised. You widened your eyes.

"Oh! You’re sorry! Oh, that’s okay. Wait. No. I don’t care. Get out of my apartment," you slammed the door in his face, and he opened it again.

"(Y/N) please…" he knew better than to touch you when you were this angry.

"I can’t believe you told the public we’d broken up. Why would you do that? We are very much together. Well, we were," you sighed, shaking your head. He shrugged.

"I don’t need people asking me about my relationships," he shrugged.

"I thought you would understand- people would stop annoying you," you rolled your eyes.

"You think people stopped? The hate doubled. I can’t believe you would say we broke up on live TV without telling me," you shrugged.

"Is there a brain? Do you use it?"

"It wasn’t my choice, (Y/N). I had to do it for the PR people. Please understand," he pleased. You opened the door and pointed the path that he could take- out.

"Leave. And maybe I’ll understand later. But I doubt it," he tightened his jaw, before looking at you and then the door.

"Calum. Fuck off," you yelled, and he walked out.

Michael: Well, it could’ve been easy/All you had to do was stay

You watched the door slam, sinking to the ground. Why wouldn’t Michael just stay? It would be easier if he would just listen- for once, listen to you. You saw the headlights reflect through windows in the next room, and heard the rumble of Michael’s car pulling away. He’d left you alone, after a horrific fight, hardly letting you speak. If only he would have let you fucking speak. It would be easy to understand your point of view if you were allowed to make it. Despite all of your friends practically hissing at him, you loved him, and he never saw that because all he saw were the negative things. Like today- all he saw was the stupid comment you had said- once, four years ago, before you knew Michael. But he didn’t know that, because he didn’t listen, and he didn’t stay. You texted him. ‘Please, Michael. Just stay.’ But you knew it was hopeless. He was stubborn, something you ironically loved about him. 

Ashton: Then why’d you have to go and lock me out when I let you in

When you felt the bed dip and the cold air hit you, you smiled to yourself. But when you didn’t feel Ashton’s fingers wrap around your waist but only his back against yours, you knew something was up.

“What’s wrong, babe?” you asked, yawning. He didn’t reply, but lay stonily on the opposite side of the bed. You rolled your eyes. Ashton wasn’t exactly a sharer, but that didn’t stop you from trying.

“Ash, what happened?” you touched his back lightly, but he shrivelled away from your touch. You sighed loudly.

“Fine,” you mumbled.

“Only wanted to help my boyfriend. Love you,” you whispered, kissing his shoulder. He still shrunk away, but only lightly.

“I love you too,” he muttered, and you smirked slightly. He didn’t let you in as much as you’d wish he would, but that didn’t stop you from loving each other.

“Gotta stop locking me out, Irwin,” you sighed comically.

“Only makes me want you more.” And sure enough, ten minutes later his arms were around you and his lips were pressed to your shoulder gently.



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