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After I cried into Kols chest I left went home. I honestly believe I imagined him because I wanted him so desperately. I was back to my old self, well relatively normal I still feel a bit of heartache but not enough to bring me down. The only thing that made it worse, is the fact that Henrik never came after me. He just left me like he always did, probably planning to get back at the pack with Athena because they kicked him out. To say my day was productive was an understatement. I had done all my school work, played several instruments piano, cello, guitar, violin and clarinet. I also worked on my knowledge in all areas psychology. I tried my best to ignore the pit in my stomach telling me that what happened yesterday was real. Opening my music book and beginning to write music escaping from the world well trying to. My door is slammed open causing me to jump, my music book and notes are going everywhere making a mess. Glaring at the person who interrupted my peace and quiet. "You need to come right now" pulling me off my bed and dragging me out of my room and the house all the way to the car shoving me in. "Where are we going Thea" "I'm done with you pretending yesterday didn't happen...that you didn't cry into Kols chest when you needed we are solving all the problems" "what are you talking about yesterday was just a figment of my imagination" "that everyone could see" I sit there in silence watching as we drive past so many familiar buildings and parks until we came to a stop.

Not recognising the huge white mansion I hesitatly get out of the car. "What are we doing here...I mean maybe a thousand years knowing someone is definitely a long time but if you did want to kill me maybe in a house that looks less modern and nice would be appropriate" walking toward the door with the smoothie I had stolen from Thea and walking through the door sipping it. Looking at the paintings on the wall with familiarity but not knowing where I know them from. Continuing walking until I come to what appears to be a sitting room, that's not all the people who are sitting there staring at me causes me to freeze and go into shock. "See told you it was real" comes from behind me but I'm stuck not knowing what to do. "'s ok" one of them say but with a million things going through my mind I can't focus. "Tiger" that's all it took to snap me out of the trance I was stuck in, nearing my childhood nickname that only one person knows.

Staring at him with tears in my eyes as he slowly walk towards my. Wanting with every fibre in my being to step back but I don't. When he is close enough he wraps his arms around me, wanting to fight against his grip but can't help melt into his embrace. I have missed this desperately for a thousand years being in the arms of my big brother. Pulling apart only now realising that my tears has fallen "Kol?" "It's me I'm hear I promise I won't leave you again" "I've missed to soo soo much" "well now I'm just hurt I never got informed you missed me when I was brought back" "sounds like your jealous" I smirk at H before embracing the rest of my siblings in a hug.

When the welcome is over we are all sitting in the room talking about what has been happening for the past thousand years, getting annoyed at the fact that H's phone won't stop ringing and beeping. "Omg since when are you soo popular could you at least turn it to do not disturb" "it's the pack" "you mean the people who kicked you out didn't you tell them to loose your number...oh wait that was me" "what's going on" "put it simple Nik...H was best friends with a guy who turned into a werewolf fast forward to now he is a true alpha and kicked H out of the pack for his 'safety'" when I finish they are all looking at H. "What what were you doing during all this" Kol asks me "I was avoiding the drama playing music drawing etc" then something hit me "those are you paintings in the hall aren't they" when Nik nods I smile "I knew they looked familiar". Turning their attention back to H "so what are you going to do"Nik asks him "show them about who they are messing with" smirking when the words leave his mouth "I already like this plan" "that's because you get some sick joy from messing with them already" when the words leave Theas mouth I smirk again knowing that this is going to be great and potentially reunite the family as we are all working together.

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