Play with magic

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It had taken me hours to get Kol to leave me alone

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It had taken me hours to get Kol to leave me alone. He was being annoyingly protective since my little explosive episode. I was sitting in the garden alone playing with magic remembering what life was life before. Spinning my hand as a flame dances around stuck in a trance of memories not even realising a person sat opposite me. "Your pretty powerful hey" I jump out of my skin and look up meeting the person chocolate brown eyes. "Um I guess" I shrug. Sure I had been nothing but polite to my brothers girlfriends but I didn't spend time with them, truth was I had practically avoided them. I hadn't gotten close to anyone since Athena and I kinda owed her because she brought us back. This was different. "So I haven't really spoken to you" "it's fine" I wanted her to desperately leave. She couldn't know what I really felt. "No I want to get to know you Kol doesn't shut up about you and Klaus all he talks about is you and hope" I sigh "look it's nothing against you really it's just you took Kol from me I literally got him back and then a week later I found out you exist his not my Kol anymore and that's fine his yours go be happy" I get up and walk away. I ended up sitting by the lake alone, my knees to my chest and my head resting on them watching the water rush by. Tears drip from my eyes and everything builds up. A thousand years ago it was so simple, but now I'm the odd man out. Rebekah is to busy for me, Nik has a daughter and girlfriend two things he always wanted, Elijah has a girlfriend and doesn't live with us anymore, Finn is who really know apart from Freya, Freya is with her girlfriend constantly. And then there's Kol who has a Davina. I mean I have Liam and Ethan looking out for me, and although it's strange I have Isaac. Let me explains. Before the kidnapping we kinda bonding in a way over him being licked in a freezer, I told him about Mikeal. We were relatively close. Then the whole insistent happened and I didn't speak to him until he cornered me a month after it. I haven't figured out whether I believe him when he says Scott made him do it but part of me wants to. I want my buddy back. Probably because I kinda have no family left anymore. I'm ultimately back where I start when I didn't have them in my life.

I smile as I make the water jump and twirl. I heard crunch's of leave and a figure sit beside me. I didn't panic much as I could tell who it was. Kol, the brother I use to live most not anymore though. "So Davina told me what you said" I sigh of course she did they seem like the let's share everything couple. "Talk to me Rosie your silents is deafening" I could tell by his voice he probably wanted to shake whatever it was out of me. "I'm not your Rosie" I mutter not looking at him just focusing on the water. "What" I could tell he was confused. I sigh getting up he follows my action. "I'm not your Rosie" Crack "I'm nobody's anymore I'm nothing to anyone be replaced by more important people" Crack "you have Davina Klaus has Hope go be happy" I walk away leaving him there dumbfounded. I knew it was mean but it needed to be said, he needed to understand that everything had changed in a thousand years.

I sat in my old bedroom crying. The truth was I didn't know what to do. I always had Athena and Henrik by my side. But ever since my family returned it's like I don't exist to them. Sighing I get up and pack a bag. I'm not like them in anyway. I mean personality wise yes there are similarities but I'm not a vampire. I'm just a witch. I'm weak and still very much a kid never really growing up. I didn't know where I was going I just knew I had to leave.

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