The Beginning

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Rain pattering down. The dark almost black cloud hung over the small town. Sucking the light out of it. The loud bang of the thunder startling me. The crack, bang and pop of the hail hitting anything in its path. The only light to even exist in the visinity was lightening and the small spark of fire before it was put out by the rain. The black out went on for hours. The anxiety of her brother tapping his pen trying to complete the essay in the dark without the internet. We may have lived for a thousand years but we don't know everything, Athena is good with biology, math and physics, I'm good art, psychology and music and H is good at sport, science and legal. We are all good at history having lived through it. The thunder going off again making me flinch. I always hated storms I would always sneak into Kols bed and sleep with him, him comforting me. No one knew of my fear only him. I remember crying in his arms whenever I was scared afraid upset, even though it was the worst thing in my mind it makes me smile think about it. I was meant to have 5 older brothers but it only felt like I had 1 Kol. Deep breath in an out. Nothing is going to hurt you. Tears leak out of my face and dripping down my face. Bitting my lip so no one heard my pain, as it got worse. I miss my big brother, I want to smell him, him to comfort me, talk to me and make jokes like he always did. I cried because I was scared and afraid. Scared of the storm that seemed to just get louder and louder. Afraid that I would never feel the comfort of my brother again.

The rain cleared and the storm and long stopped by time we had to go to school. I managed to get out of bed and have a shower before leaving, clearing any trace of what had happened in the early hours of the morning. Going with a red hello kitty sweater, a short black skirt, stockings and small black boots.

Walking through the hall hearing the whispers of how hot the new students are, Scott telling his 'pack' that they have to do what ever they have planed tonight, the local gossip of how slutty or smart someone is

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Walking through the hall hearing the whispers of how hot the new students are, Scott telling his 'pack' that they have to do what ever they have planed tonight, the local gossip of how slutty or smart someone is. Ignoring them isolating myself from the world.

Sitting in Econ trying my hardest to focus, get my mind off what's going on my head. It just keeps going back and back to the same memories and all I feel is one emotion. I turn as two people enter the room, must be the new students. What I saw shocked me. There stood in front of me, for all the world to see. Rebekah and Kol. Quickly getting over my shock and moving back to wonder. Wondering why they are here. But that all went away when the memories started to surface again. The feeling was electric I was drowning in it. To far gone I didn't realise that they sat next to me. "Are you ok" Bekah asked "umm yeah" I fake confused "sorry you just looked upset" "it's fine" sending her a fake smile, before the feeling intensified. One soul feeling brought all my walls crashing down. I didn't even realise that tears were falling from my eyes until one hit my drawing, that I had been subconsciously drawn. Clearly I wasn't the only one to notice because "Rose are you ok" came from behind me, I saw Kol tense when H said Rose but I try my hardest to ignore it "yeah I'm fine" I could tell without turning around that he didn't believe me, but he never pushed me or asked anything else. As I sat these I slowly began to loose the ability to breath, forcing myself with every fibre in my being I breath. But the pain doesn't go away. The ache in my chest, pain in my heart, the clouded head and I finally just break. Grabbing my things off my desk shoving them in my bag. Getting up and navigating my way out of the classroom with my blurred vision. Ignored the calls of Coach demanding to know where I was going, the shouts of my brother for me to stop knowing deep down he would never follow. He never did ever and that made the pain worse. Falling to the ground in the hall, my bum hitting the steps below me. Tears freely falling down my face, I choke back a sob and then another. I pain in my chest intensified, my breathing becoming harder and harder. My only wish was that the person who always made it better came and made it better.

The feeling that had been crippling my all day, was the worst when I was letting it all out. The one emotion that can bring anyone down supernatural or not. The feeling HEARTACHE, the most crippling of all the emotions. I felt arms wrap around me, and immediately relax into them knowing who it was.


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