World imploding

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I hadn't been me

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I hadn't been me. I could feel something was off. It seems like Mystic Falls was the place to be although truth was I was growing bored of it. I needed fun blood pumping fun. I was drawing random things while sitting in the park. The odd feeling never leaving me. I was in my own world ignoring everyone who was moving around me. I had far to many thoughts bubbling around in my head. First being Allison being back and being with Jeremy romantically. Second being whether was really happy. I mean sure I loved having Kol and Nik around me on a constant basis but there was a nagging feeling. Rebekah and Elijah like the dream team, Finn living life god knows where and Freya who would do absolutely anything for family. I have been putting them first and it's ok because everyone is so happy but I don't know if I am anymore. The fun is wearing. "Someone is clearly in deep" he head snaps up a smile spreads across my face as I leap up, discarding my sketch pad and pencils. Wrapping my arms around the male. "You got out" "did you ever doubt me" I shook my head as he plants me back on the floor, tears in my eyes. " did you get out" I was crying "did you really think I would leave you all alone in the world...did you forget about me" I weakly laugh shaking my head tears dripping down my face. "I could never I tried for so so long to get you out to but" "you could never find a way and that's ok princess" he held my shoulders. He suddenly froze startling me. "What" I take a breath "tell me everything" "we you can thank Damon and Elena for getting me out I became coven leader...but I didn't kill them your words rung through my head" I smile "now darling you" "my family is back in my life but I don't know whether I'm happy also I'm bed buddies with the devil" he laughs at how I put it but froze again "darling" I look up at him confused "your pregnant" I froze that was impossible shaking my head. "Calm down listen" I follow his words and listen and sure enough there was another heart beat, I look around thinking it could be someone close by but no one was. Just me and him. "Who's" "Lucifer Morningstars" I frown and cringe "wow who knew anyone could have a bad thing for the bad guys" I laugh and lean up and kiss him. "I missed you Malachai Parker" "A's have I my gorgeous Roselyn Mikealson" we were both in heaven even if it was fleeting.

Waking into the mansion in an extremely happy mood. Well happy Kai is back but panicked about the thing growing in me. Can I even survive this I mean I'm just a witch. I was so lost in my own thoughts, I run into something "bloody wall" I mutter rubbing my head. "For the last time I'm not a wall now what's got you so out of it" great now the wall is talking and it sounds very much like my brother. "I busy H leave me alone" he laugh but froze "how" I gasp "spell it now" "only if you explain" I nod vigorously, he sighs and waved his hand. "Kai is back his the one who" he nods getting it who "whos is it" "Lucifer Morningstar" he laughs gaining the attention of our siblings "H lost his mind" I try to get them to leave. "She's pregnant to Satan the literal devil haha she found someone worse than Nik" he was hysterical but the part that caught me was he just announced it. I slap him storming off to my room. My world was imploding.

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