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~Roselyn POV~
I woke up early to the sound of whispering "you have been replaced" "she would never replace me Bekah" "come look...it's so cute" "huh who knew Nik had a heart"opening my eyes smirking "you do know whispering doesn't make a difference" I laugh at there startled expressions, looking down at a smirking Nik and smiling. "Why are you in here anyway Nik" "Storm" I mutter causing Kols eyes to widen and Bekah look extremely confused. Kol rushes to my side "the call I ignored" I nod and he pulls me to his chest "I'm ok Nik and I talked until I fell asleep he told me about Caroline his girlfriend and Hope" Kol smiles at me "did you have fun with your girlfriend" he nods "she's downstairs if you want to meet her" my face lights up and I jump into action running into my bathroom and getting ready.

Showering feeling the hot water hit my back relaxes me. Rolling my back my shoulders before washing my hair and scrubbing my body with my sunrise soap Kol got me (I think his girlfriend brought it/assisted him). Changing into a white crop top, black leather jeans pairing it with black boots and a choker before drying my hair. Brushing my hair out of my face, and doing some soft makeup. Placing a light brown hat on my head and looking over my outfit. Smiling happily to myself content with how I look.

Walking downstairs heels clicking with every step I take

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Walking downstairs heels clicking with every step I take. Getting to the bottom and listening for voices. Smiling when I locate it and heading in the direction. Walking into the room and everyone freezes. Sighing "don't stop on my account" looking at each of my siblings who were all in the same room since the first time we were reunited, my eyes land on a brunette girl I had never seen before. Smiling at her "I'm Roselyn but you can call me Rose" her face lights up and she looks at Kol "I'm Davina Kols told me so much about you I always wanted to meet you" sitting beside her and laughing "I mean he is one to brag" she laughs "I see the resemblance" "you and a lot of people" Nik suddenly gets up and goes outside. One by one we all get up and follow him. Smiling feeling human again when I see Nik making a small little girl laugh. Suddenly he growls snapping me and the rest of our family out of a trance of happiness. Seeing Liam standing there looking upset I instantly go to run to him wanting to take his pain away, Kols arms wrap around my waist stopping me. I struggle against his grip despite being an original his older than me so I can't get out. "Let go of me" "let go of her Kol it's Liam one of the two people who care about her" he lets go of me and I run over to Liam wrapping my arms around him allowing him to bury his head in my neck. "They kicked you out didn't they" he nods letting go and going over to H. They share a moment "you can stay you know hang out with us" I heard H tell him as I stand beside Davina who's beside Kol. He nods I turn to Nik who's gone back Hope walking with her along the trail beside the house. Walking over to them startling Hope, Nik smiles at me. "Hope this is Roselyn my littlest sister" I smile at her as she smiles at me "your my Aunt Roselyn" I nod "you can just call me Rose though everyone else does" she nods "can I join" "of course a walk with my littlest sister and littlest wolf" I take his outstretched hand walking beside him. "You know a long time ago your dad and I use to go on walks like this" I told Hope looking at her "really" I nod "yeah we did when I was..." Nik pauses clearly not having told Hope about Mikeal "when he was hurt I use to keep him company and walk through the woods until dinner cheering him up" I felt Nik relax his hand still in mine.

Walking back towards the house as it was now late. Walking into the house letting go of Niks hand allowing him to put a tired Hope to bed. Walking into the kitchen freezing when I see a random blonde lady. "Who are you" she smiles at me kindly which confuses me for a second but then I realise my siblings probably told her about me. Taking her appearance in blonde hair blue eyes kind "Caroline?" She nods "I'm Roselyn but you can call me Rose" "it's so good to finally meet you Nik mentioned he had a sister younger than Rebekah but I never thought I would meet her" I laugh "pretty sure we both thought the other dead but here we both are...Niks putting Hope to bed" she nods

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