Who are you

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I heard numerous voices downstairs, they started in the early and hadn't stopped. It was annoying me to no end it bloody woke me up. I knew one was Caroline but didn't know any others. "Bloody hell Caroline stop" I scream only getting laughter from my siblings. Deciding to get up getting changed into so comfortable.

I walk towards Nik's room after going to Kol's door hearing him talking with Davina not wanting to interrupt

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I walk towards Nik's room after going to Kol's door hearing him talking with Davina not wanting to interrupt. Sneaking in seeing his back towards me and Hope in front of him. Putting my finger to my lips signalling her to not say anything. Jumping on his back getting laughing when he gasps. Hope laughs along with me as Nik pulls me around into his lap. "Let me guess you were in on it to" he holds me in his arms looking at Hope mischievously. Hope jumps up and runs for the door, Nik gets up not letting go of me and goes after her. He picks me up and grabs Hope picking her up causing her to laugh. He walks through the house towards the stairs passing Kols room I smirk. "Kol help Niks being mean Help KOL" I scream hearing him sigh I know his coming. Laughing when he throws me into Kols arms. "What have you been doing to our older brother Rosie and with our niece" "you weren't there so we had fun I scared him with her help" Kol frowns "without me" he clicks his tongue "I am so disappointed" "you were busy doing your girlfriend" Davinas laugh was heard from the door "well you definitely have a way with words" "I know" jumping out of Kols arms smirking at her "welp I'm hungry" I spun around and walk downstairs into the kitchen. I froze, unable to move. "Oh people well I'm here for food...morning Carebear" she smiles at me "morning heard you and Hope laughing with Nik and Kol" "yeah me and Hope pranked him it was amazing you really should have been there and Kol is super jelly" "omg living with the four of you is going to be" "amazing we know especially with Lijah who knows I think he finally got a girlfriend" she laughs at me as I grab an apple. "Oh this is Elena Bonnie Damon and Stefan" I nod "Rosemary but most people call me rose...future reference visitors are only allowed in this house after 10" "it's an emergency" "yeah and I'm having a major life crisis currently but hey no one really cares about that" "oh your always having a life crisis Rose" H said as he walked in with Thea "ohh someone just getting home did you guys get active need a shower" they laugh leaving me alone "we need Klaus" Elena the doppelgänger of Tatiana who I didn't get along with then now so probably won't now. "Umm well can't help you there don't know who that is" shrugging "she's talking about your brother Nik Rose" I frown "well his busy come back another time" I knew Nik didn't want to be interrupted. He only has so much time before Hope goes back with her Mum and to school. Although according to Nik she might be moving closer but he doesn't know yet. "We can't it's urgent" shaking my head "not as important as what he's doing right now" looking at Care "you know how important this is limited time and all we shouldn't he will be mad" she sighs "werewolf bite his blood is the only cure" I felt myself loosing it all over again this hasn't happened for along time. "I don't care we don't care just leave" I scream my magic making an explosion at the end causing me to jump. I fall to the ground crying my emotions overwhelming me. "Rose rose your ok" I hear Care say wrapping her arms around me "KOL HENRIK" she shouted trying and failing to comfort me. "What happened" Kol picked me up me crying into his chest "she rarely cries even when upset what happened" he added stroking me sitting down in a chair with me in his lap "Nothing swear" Elena said making me tense "nothing that seems hard to believe" "Rosie what happened" H ran into the room right over to me "what happened tell me everything from the moment she walked in Care" "she came down said morning to me we chatted briefly about how she pranked Nik and Kol was Jelly then she grabbed an apple I introduced her to everyone she introduced herself...then Elena said why they were here how they needed Niks blood she said no he can't be interrupted making sure I know why Elena then told her it's a werewolf bite and she Kinda exploded is she ok" they sigh "I got her I dealt with the all the time when we were young" he lift me up and takes me to the living room "is she ok" Davina asked "no but she will be just her emotions beating her happens once in a blue moon Henrik is better explaining it than I as I always did the comforting" "tell me about her" "I already have" "no you just told me that she's your sister her name what she looks like" Kol hugs me "ok well as you know we come from an extremely large family when she was born everything changed" he rubs my back me relaxing listing to the story hearing it from there point of view for the first time. "My parents they weren't very good it took Mikeal three years to even acknowledge her and when he did he doted on her but that didn't change how she felt about us" I could tell she was smiling "even from a young age she always picked me first it was Me or Nik mainly me as Nik often avoided her after a beating not waiting her to see him like that...she called me Papa Kol until she was seven when Mikeal told her to stop...but the truth is Nik was always more of a father to her while I was an older brother but neither one of us could ever scold her" Davina laughs "yeah she has your charm can tell that from a mile away but can also Klaus in there" he laughs "oh yeah she always had that the hints of Bekah you occasionally see is because they hung out a bit when she was younger Nik similar reason but she was born more like me and him it just became more prominent after hanging out with us"there was an extremely long silence "well she can't be around Elena not that I blame her I don't want to be around the annoying bitch either" I laugh smiling at him "you better" I nod "and I think it's more Papa Nik now Koala bear" he smiled

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