Big brotherness

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The plan sucked. I don't know why they want H to pretend to be their friend again. I have been focusing on my music and art trying to ignore the failure of a plan that is the one they came up with. Kol has been the prefect brother and constantly been checking on me daily.

I went out today shopping thought I'd get my mind off what's troubling me. It doesn't work I can't help but think about is my problems. "Zora" almost instantly spinning around when I hear my name only to see Isaac running towards me. Confused I make no effort to move instead snapping "what" at him slightly upset he has tried to ruin my day. Before I can register what happened it all we black.

Waking up groggy giving myself a moment to adjust. Trying to move but only hear a clank sound before I'm stopped. Panicking I look around to find I'm chained to a chair. I try to use my magic but can't because I'm too panicked. Why am I here? Where is here? Will my siblings notice? Will the come for me? My mind raced and raced it would not stop.

Until the creaking of the door opening. "Scott" I ask confused and raspy. My eyes darting around the room trying to figure out what is happening "where is Stiles Zora" looking back at Scott "I don't I don't know...where am I" panicking when he doesn't answer, my mind frantic. Before silents I realise he did this, that's why I'm here and he got Isaac to help.

I had been here for what felt like hours. I had been beaten. My blood was dripping down onto the floor, it was the only moment I wished I was a vampire. I was fading in and out of consciousness, the dizziness was almost unbearable. Scott and Isaac would come back sometimes with other people who I couldn't recognise, due how badly I was out of it.

I heard the door slam open. I can't tell who it is but assume it Scott so I don't open my eyes. I felt my chains being taken off "no no no no" I mumble and try to move away but don't have the energy. I felt myself being lifted up "calm down Tiger it me it's Kol your ok your safe" I immediately relax using the remainder of my strength to hold on to him.

I felt something being put in my mouth. It is some sort of liquid knowing it's probably vampire blood I swollow it trusting Kol more than anyone. I can feel myself healing, but I never had the strength to open my eyes. Falling back asleep clinging to Kol for dear life not wanting to let go.

~Kols POV~
I had carried my weak sister out of the underground makeshift dungeon they had created for her after giving her my blood. I pay no mind to the pain that her kidnappers are facing from our siblings, instead just vamp speeding home. Sitting on the couch with her asleep on my lap. Staring down at her remembering all the times as a kid she would fall asleep on my lap, my mind started to drift to how much of an amazing caring person she is. How she is the only one that really cared for me. That's when my protective big brotherness kicked in, it wasn't the same as when Bekah is in trouble it was far worse. If they aren't killed for what they did they will be I can promise you that. I sat there in silence running my fingers through her messy blond hair admiring her. "Do you thing she will be ok" immediately looking up seeing all my siblings wondering when they got back and why I didn't hear them. "No" they just look at me causing me to sigh "she was always more sensitive than anyone else she will be scared and in pain...not physically but mentally already healed her" they look at me concerned not having seen this side of me in a thousand years. Last time was with her right before she died. "Kol" her panicked voice cuts through the thick air "I'm here I got you your safe" holding her just a little bit tighter so she knows I'm here.

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