Honey im home

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As we touch down I'm anxiety grew

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As we touch down I'm anxiety grew. I left for a reason and now it's practically running back. It felt like I was giving up. "Ignore that girl focus on seeing your boo" I smile to Lara's words leaving everyone very confused as I just left walking away. I knew eventually they would get where I went so I didn't both telling them. I needed him right now. Walking into the club smiling I could practically feel him and the closeness made me all warm and fuzzy. "Well well if it isn't my little witch come to see little old me" smirking I lean up kissing him. This had been an on and off thing since the time I left my siblings. He helped me find myself. "Great now that your back this is all I will see" "love you to maze" I shout as he led my up to his room kissing me all over my body.

I woke up tired and in the arms of the man I left something for but we were both to scared to do anything about those said feeling. "So love how long will you be here" leaning on his chest I look up meeting his eyes "well that depends if there's anything to stay for after I have exactly what I want" I smirk "am I not good enough" "not when you sleep with every slut in the city no" he laughs at me antics his angelic devilish laugh that made me laugh. I sigh I had to tell him the truth. Sitting up looking at him. "My family is here they have the pendant that I have been looking for Cora and the gang are here to help he getting it but the truth is" he just smirks at me "finally realizing that all you truely need is me" I frown "hate to admit it but yes" sighing "your stronger than any of them and the only ones that actually matter to me are Ethan and Liam they have been there since the beginning I just surrounded myself with people to fill the whole" he just kisses me "let's get a pendant" I frown shaking my head "no no this has to be alone maybe Cora but no one else" he nods "well then call if you need anything you know being the devil has it's perks" "does it now" he just leans in kissing me quite passionately which lead to many other pleasurable things.

Getting up in the afternoon "see you tonight" I kiss his lips before walking downstairs "bye maze" "bye girl come by later to chat" I nod walking out of the night club and into the street. I knew what I was getting into. I had done a locator spell on my way out so I knew exactly where my family was, not that it was hard they were at the beach house.

Looking up at the large mansion frowning. Suddenly every memory came rushing back. Walking up to the door. Unlocking the door breaking somebody's spell as I step in "Honey I'm Home" I shout. Hearing a series of gasp. No doubt everyone thought they would never see me again. "Rose" spinning I see Henrik beside me smiling softly "hey twin miss me" "where have you been I tried" I held my hand up "I know I felt it every time...I have been everywhere" "you back" I sigh that's when I knew what they wouldn't let me go. No doubt there is a barrier spell on the house so I can't leave. "Nope" I walk further in up the stairs and straight to Niks room practically tearing it apart until I was holding the pendant. "So that's what you wanted" "I was wondering if you were going to just stand there and watch" turning and facing her "why didn't you stop me" "you looked quite determined" she grabs me speeding downstairs and throwing me into the sitting room where I'm now I'm the middle of all my siblings. Pocketing the pendant "there is only one place I have seen that much determination" Rebekah started everyone listening. With each word she takes a step closer to me. I stand there with my arms crossed "in Nik" "what can I saw a girl can change when she wants something" "what's so special about a pendant" I smirk "it's more about what it can do god are you really that dumb Bekah then again even a thousand years ago you had a thing for being out of the loop" I step closer to her the smirk never leaving my face "how did you find us" "Marcel he recognized me sort of more like my traits and with a little charm and good looks he spilled the details" looking at her "turns out you aren't the only Mikealson to get under his skin" I knew nothing happened but that didn't mean I wasn't going to play with her just a little bit. "What happened to you Rosie" I scream to Kols words "I'm not your Rosie haven't been since the day by the lake" looking around "and by the looks of it you guys are fine without me" "don't say that your family Roselyn" I laugh of course Elijah the peacemaker has to but in "take me with you me and Thea" I knew what that meant truth was he would probably be the only one "thousand years together and I still can't get away" I smile not smirk smile a genuine one and that's how he knew I was cracking. "You all moved on without me I though you would all stop like the world would stop without but no" I shake my head tears in my eyes "it's like I never bloody existed" "Rosie" I stare at the ground. Maybe if I pretend they weren't there the spell would weaken and I could get out. "Tiger look at me" my watery eyes snap up to Kols glistening teary eyes "you were always my number one and I was yours is against the world just me and you" I gave him nothing "and me getting a girlfriend severed that a bit but it didn't break it...it didn't take away the nights you crept into my room because you couldn't sleep you would snuggle right up beside me rest your head on my chest and say love you koalabear before going to sleep...it didn't take away the times you dragged me to our secret place to show me something new you figured out how to do and despite having know how to do it for year I always pretended you her some sort of magical genius...you were my tiger nobody else's and when you left so did apart of me it didn't effect the others as much but me it broke me I killed hundreds because of the whole in my heart I lost myself and barely made it back I have been hanging on the edge for months because the truth is I need my tiger way more than I need a girlfriend" by now we both had tears in our eyes "I left to make you happy I thought if I was gone" "I would never be happy" he cut me off "but you barely noticed I was there nobody did anymore" "I always notice when you would enter I just never said anything" "I don't want you to break up with Davina" whisper "if it comes down to you or her" I shake my head "no no I left so you didn't have to choose" "you didn't acknowledge me as tiger or your Rosie Nik didn't even call me his little one anymore H wasn't around anymore for me to even see him" I shrug tears dripping down my face. I was back to being the weak broken girl I was before I left. "You know your exactly like Kol and Nik when your confident" Bekah said "you don't need to be this girl for us be that confident girl god we don't want another Kol but your already halfway there don't be afraid of the outcome" when she finished I knew they could tell I was slowly slipping "but beside you guys I am weak" "not me or Davina or Hayley or Caroline your stronger than us" Freya butted in "yeah and in fairly certain if we couldn't heal just had our strength and speed you would hands down equal Nik" Bekah added "your the most powerful witch on the planet god knows how everyone knows" "kinda made them aware" H laughs "of course you did you have always been a fire cracker" I smile at him "I prefer to call it spitfire"Thea adds in "I mean if it weren't for your magic you would be dead let's be real H over here doesn't have a lot in him" I just laugh nodding "Tiger" looking back over at Kol who looks as broken as I feel. I grab his hand squeezing it, an action that was like basic instinct. I reach into my pocket with my free hand pull the pendant out of my pocket look at it before throwing it over to Nik. He caught it with ease walking over to me and Kol. He puts his hand on my shoulder "your will always be my little one...your my first daughter" ignoring the very confused looks from anyone who wasn't a Mikeason which included Athena, I knew what he meant that's all that really mattered. He raised me with Kol for the first four years of my life before Mikeal decided to give me time of day. Even after that I still leant practically everything off them something's off Bekah though. "You will always be Papa Nik" his face lights up not having heard that since Mikeal made us stop out of what I assume to be jealousy. He hugs me tight I felt myself slowly mending, when we was done I'm in Kols arms mending completely. I felt whole again. "Mind explaining the first daughter to those who don't get it" I look at them before I answer Freyas question (she's the only Mikealson who didn't get it) "naaa" I shrug "and just like that she's back" Bekah said causing Henrik and Athena to laugh.

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