Leaving friends for a new home

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They packed up that night and we left for Mystic Falls a town I hadn't been to since I was resurrected

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They packed up that night and we left for Mystic Falls a town I hadn't been to since I was resurrected. Nik had designed my room apparently although according to Kol he got Bekah to help, that eased my panic a bit. Walking in I was astounded it was amazing.


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(Opposite other image white instead of pink walls, it's also wider and has instruments instead of a bed in the middle)

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(Opposite other image white instead of pink walls, it's also wider and has instruments instead of a bed in the middle)

It is perfect. Pretty much everything I had dreamed about in one room. You maybe wonder why we moved here. Well Hope goes to the Salvatore school of the gifted or something and Nik wanted to be closer to her so here, we are. Mystic Falls. I think Kol wants to move out and live close by with Davina but is too scared to loose me again, truth is I don't really know how I would feel if he did that. Sighing I sit on my bed opening my music book and writing more music. Something I haven't done in a very long time but have missed dearly. I was in such a trance of writing that I didn't notice anyone enter. "Um sorry to interrupt but could I talk to you" I look up startled seeing the beautiful brunette my brother had fallen for. Closing the book and nod looking at her. I lean on the railing of my bed as she puts the chair from below beside the end of the ladder up here. "Kol loves you" I nod "I know" she shakes her head "no I don't think you can grasp just how much him and Klaus love you" I frown confused "when you left it broke both of them Klaus sent Hope away afraid he would never be happy again without you" Caroline entered saying "and Kol literally fell over the edge pushed everyone away I lost him for a while there he killed towns because he wanted his tiger back" I nod "what of Henrik" they share a look "we don't know him and Thea went quiet barely saw they" I nod "we don't want to take them away from you" "I don't think you could" I mutter "What" Davina said beyond confused "growing up it was me and Kol for the longest time I called him Papa Kol but then Nik came into the picture and it became Papa Nikky and Koala bear...then when they weren't there it was Thea and Henrik I never had a time where someone isn't looking out for me before I left. I'm the youngest the kid." I sigh "left because I didn't want to get in the way of your guys love if they deserve to be happy and I'm only getting in the way" "no your not"Davina immediately said "I am you can't be happy with them while I'm there and I'm sorry for that" "don't be they are at there happiest when you around" Caroline said I rest my head on the railing thinking of their words I knew deep down it's true, but the nagging fact they could never be happy with my brothers never left my mind.

Caroline and Davina had made herself at home beside me on the bed. "They taught me everything they could while Rebekah taught me everything girl" they smile "your so carefree when you talk about them" Davina noted. "They are my world...I remember every time I figured out something new to do with my magic I would immediately run to Kol and tell him to 'come quick' we would run to a secret place which was a cave by the lake it had like a waterfall running down over the opening that looked over the lake. When we got there I would immediately sit down on the rock stool and show him the trick and he would act as if he had never seen it before getting me to teach him it...the only reason I know his acting is because I figured out how to do an extremely powerful spell it was where you made water float and move kinda like what witches do with feather at the beginning but it was while making a windstorm and keeping the water drops in the same place he was so shocked he didn't know it we spent hours trying to get him to do it that's when I knew he was a faker...and Nik well he different he could say no to me unlike Kol but he could never scold me...and boy did I push them he took me hunting one time had Bekah tell our parents we were picking flowers because girls couldn't hunt but Nik didn't care anything his little one wanted he use to tell me...we found a deer it was deep in the woods he showed me how to fire the arrow where to aim everything and I fired just like he showed me and it hit I screamed so loud it scared the deer and Nik he thought I was hurt or something but truth was I just didn't wasn't to hurt the deer anymore because it had a family somewhere...I didn't want anyone to come hurt Nikky or Kol so I couldn't do that to the deer...I kinda think he couldn't hunt properly because of me because after that he was never to good" "you gave Nik a heart" Caroline was astounded "and now you are not me" I smile sadly "Kol knew the truth about you once told me he went trough a dark fase without magic I don't think he was talking about his he was talking about your" I smile "I got Nik into art" "and you gave Kol his love for magic when will you realize how amazing you truely are" Davina added "I don't think she ever will darling little Tiger her hates taking responsibility for things even if it compliments her" my whole being lights up at his presents "one time I threw him in the water with my magic" I smile like an excited kid I jump up laughing running off to find Nik wanting him to be here. "She's the kid of the family she never grew up hence why were all a little bit more protective over her she is innocent more than more" "not when she confident Kol she's a down right bitch the perfect mixture of you and Nik" Bekah told him before I was out of earshot.

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