Chapter 4 - Watched

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You had been given your scripts to learn for the afternoon which wouldn't be hard as there was only 3 lines.  For your section, you would be playing a character called Willow and Summer was Millie. You were going to be bumping into Archie in the school corridor and then directing him to where Jughead had gone with Summer. This was the opening 5 minutes of season 2 so it was very important to get this right. You practiced all morning so that you could begin filming at 1pm. 

It was 12 and you headed to the set. You had been given a mentor who would organise you and take you too where you meant to be, she was called Sue. 

"Hi girls, you ready?" she asked with a gleaming smile

"Yeah, we've been practicing all morning and think we've got it down" you replied excitedly

"Great! Well I think it's time to introduce you to the main cast as you will be working closely with them over the next couple of days!" 

"What? I thought we weren't allowed to approach them?!" Summer said shocked

"You are right, but as long as I introduce you and you are with me or if you are filming the scene that you are in, it's perfectly fine!" she says, "or if they approach you then that's fine" she winks at you both.

"OMG! this is so exciting!" you turn to Summer, she only manages to smile as she is too shocked to say anything else. You both thought that you would film and would have to leave immediately, but you were in fact allowed to talk to the cast and hang with them for the next couple of days!! You both follow Sue as she takes you too meet them. 

"We have to be confident and natural" you whisper to Summer

"Okay guys, I want you too meet Y/N and Summer, Y/N is playing Willow and Summer is Millie, as you have seen in your script, they will be filming the first scene with you, This is Camila, Cole, Lili and KJ" Sue points to each of them 

"Hey guys, I'm Camila" she walks over and gives you both a hug,

"Hey i'm Y/N, its so nice to meet you" you smile at her. She is followed by Cole and Lili who greet you the same. Once they have all said hello, KJ approaches you.

"Hey i, uh, im KJ" he seems unsure and nervous, 

"Hi I'm Y/N" you smile at him sweetly and he immediately seems to look more comfortable, He gives you a hug and smiles

"really nice to meet you Y/N"

"And you KJ" you smile and you walk over to Sue with Summer.

"He seemed nervous" you say to Summer 

"I think he likes you" Summer says smirking back

"Get out, there's no way KJ apa 'likes' me" Summer laughs and shrugs. You turn around to see KJ watching you, you smile and give him a slight wave before you are ushered off for make up and hair touches before you begin to film.

~A few hours later~

You have finished filming for the day and really enjoyed, it took you a while to get a good take as you all kept bursting into laughs but you finally got the perfect one. It was late and you were getting ready to go back to your hotel. You made your rounds of saying goodnight when you reached KJ last. 

"Night KJ, see you tomorrow" you smiled while hugging him

"See ya Y/N, well done today, you were so good" he smiled 

"Thankyou, so were you" you both looked at each other for a couple of seconds before you turned away and waved. You began walking over to Summer when someone grabbed your arm.

"Y/N wait!" KJ gasped, "Have you got Twitter or instagram or anything?" he asked. You looked at him confused. He smiled nervously 

"Yeah, Y/N_Y/L/N on everything" you smiled and joined Summer and Sue. 

"He so likes you Y/N" Summer said nudging you 

"I don't think so, he's just trying to be nice" you say unsure

"Are you kidding, have you even seen how hes been acting around you all day?!"

"Well maybe hes like that all the time, we don't even know him yet." You didn't believe Summer but deep down you wished it was true.

Pure - KJ APAWhere stories live. Discover now