Chapter 21 - crash

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(wait until said to play the song)

It was twenty to 8 and you were ready to go. You were wearing a grey fitted dress with white detailing. It showed off your figure perfectly and you felt amazing in it. You wore your hair in a messy low pony tail and wore some simple white heels. You took some mirror selfies and decided to post onto instagram.

 You took some mirror selfies and decided to post onto instagram

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Y/N_Y/L/N: so excited for tonight with the love of my life

tagged: kjapa

(wont be writing comments for this one as its only just been posted in the story and i'm too lazy tbh haha)

Finally, 8 arrives and you instantly hear a knock at your trailer door. You open it to reveal a very pretty looking KJ holding a red rose. His eyes gleam as he looks you up and down. You smile before walking down the trailer steps and giving a sweet peck on the lips. KJ holds you by your waist before turning the kiss more passionate.

"you are fucking beautiful" KJ whispered as he pulls away, you were shocked as you hardly ever heard KJ swear but you liked it, it gave you some sort of rush.

"you don't look too bad your self" you whisper into is ear before placing a kiss on his jaw, taking the rose from his hand and pulling him to the car. The whole drive KJ has his hand on your knee, slowly rubbing his thumb back and fourth. You arrive at a gorgeous and posh restaurant. You have an amazing night, once again, falling even harder for KJ.

KJ's pov

We climb back into the car after an amazing night.

'God i fucking love this girl' I think to myself as I watch her laugh and sing along to the music on the radio. Everything about her is perfect, the way her eyes scrunch up when she laughs, how she gets all blushy when i tell her i love her but how she says it back and means it, how she lets me hold her at any given time, how she cares about me, how she can make me laugh, how cute she looks with so makeup on, how much she loves cuddling in bed, how she still cuddles me and lets me hold her around the rest of the cast, just everything. She's so perfect and pure.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she ask me as she giggles, god i love her laugh, it gives me butterflies every time I hear it.

"Just admiring how beautiful you are" I reply back as she looks at me in awe. She takes hold of my hand on her knee and squeezes it in reply before leaning over the middle of the seats and placing a kiss to my cheek. She then turns up the radio as her favourite song comes on. We both start singing loudly along. We are getting into it a lot while laughing like mad, I turn to face her as I mouth the words, shes laughing and singing back to me but her face suddenly turns to pure fear. Before I can react she screams, I see a flash of light and then nothing. (play song above now)


I can't see, hear or feel anything for a while, I can't even react, i'm just there. I begin to see a blur of colour and I begin to hear sirens and i begin to feel pain. A lot of pain. I'm confused. I lay and think about what is happening and it begins to come back to me. I was in the car with Y/N having fun when a flash of something hit us. A car. We were in a car crash. I start to panic, i can't breathe, my mind is suddenly rushing with questions, Where is she? Is she okay? Why can't I hear her? Why can't I see her? , questions about her. I can now see the blurry outlines of people and I try to reach to them for help but I can't move, i'm stuck. The pain is being taken over by panic but it's still just as painful. I realise that the people around me are trying to get me out of where I am, when they finally free me and straight away are trying to ask me questions but i need to get to Y/N so i ignore them. I slowly get up. I still can't see properly. I can see blurry lights and hear people shouting at me to stay still but i can't, all i can think about is getting to Y/N, i try to walk but instead i'm stumbling around in circles not being able to get my balance. Two people suddenly grab me to stop me from falling, they try to sit me down but i pull away regaining the balance i lost, i had to find her.

'Where is she? I need to get to her' I think to myself. I try to say her name but my voice isn't loud enough. I keep trying but i'm not getting loud enough, I can't hear or see her. People start to crowd me, telling me to stay still and sit down, pulling at me but i resist them. My vision starts to become clear and now I see the damage of the car. I look around at the unfamiliar faces crowded around me, pretending they care, i look extra hard for hers but i don't see it. I make my way to the car, slowly, hoping that she isn't still trapped but through people, i see her lifeless body. She's covered in blood and laying completely still. I can't yet build up the courage to go closer as i'm afraid she isn't alive.

'no she has to be alive' I tell myself, I call her name but she doesn't move, I move towards the car as I keep calling her, tears starting to form in my eyes and my body shaking but she doesn't respond. I reach the car and try to push my way past the people crowded around her, i manage to do this only to be faced by her still body. I crouch down as i study her beautiful face. I take hold of her hand and cry. I cry hard as lie my head beside her. People start to pull me up but I don't resist, i don't have the energy. They pull me back and away from the car. Only when I realise i'm away from her do I start to resist. I start shouting and screaming, my voice finally loud enough.

"LET ME GO! LET ME SEE MY BABY I NEED TO SEE HER WHATS WRONG WITH HER? LET ME GO!" I scream as people tell me to calm down and I try to fight them away. I watch as her limp lifeless body is pulled from the car and put on a stretcher then into an ambulance. I try to fight my way to her but i fail, i'm forced into a different ambulance as I scream and cry.

Once locked in ambulance I start to calm down in the outside but my mind is still racing, I find myself not being able to reply to anyone, all i can think about is Y/N. I tell myself that she can't be dead, there's no way but for some reason I can't believe myself.

*think i shed a tear at this chapter but it's going to get worse*

Pure - KJ APAWhere stories live. Discover now