Chapter 23 - Still Trying

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It had been 4 weeks and I still couldn't see or move. KJ visited everyday and told me all about what he'd done that day and what had made him laugh. He said that it was important to laugh because it made the pain a bit more bare able but sometimes he couldn't help but breakdown. He missed me more than ever and all I wanted to do was hold him and tell him i'm fine, but the world was against us which made it impossible. I soon learnt exactly what happened and what was wrong with me. I had been in a terrible car crash and I was in a coma. It made sense but didn't feel right. I'm 19, I should be spending time with my boyfriend and having fun with my friends. That reminds me, the guys and Summer have come to visit a lot, not everyday like KJ, but a lot. I'm not angry that the don't come everyday, I know they are busy, and when they do come, it's always fun and they stay for ages. 

I hated this. KJ doesn't deserve this. 

"Hey babe" I hear KJ say as he enters the room before taking my hand into his. 

"Hiya, i miss you" I tell him, but of course, he doesn't know or hear me. He spends his usual hour and tells me about his day. I love listening to his stories of his day, it gives me something to fight for. Oh yeah, that's another thing, I've heard the doctors say that 'its up to me now' and that I 'just need to fight', but I don't understand what they mean? What's up to me? What do I need to fight for? Is it my life? I'm really not sure. 

"Okay, I have to go film now, I love you and i'll see you tomorrow" he says as he puts my hand down and kisses my forehead, then walks out of the room. 

~3 months later~ 

Still nothing. No sight and no movement. KJ still visited everyday and still told me about his day and I still loved it. He stayed for longer than usual today, he seemed different.

"Y/N?" KJ asks, it shocks me, has he seen me move, am I awake ??!!

"Yes, i'm here, KJ i'm here!!" I shout, but his expression in his voice doesn't change, he doesn't move, then I realise, nothing happened.

"I'm constantly wondering if you can actually hear everything I'm saying, if you can feel my touch, I feel like you can. I'm not sure why but I just do, like there is still some of you in the room with me" he says as he watches my lifeless body in exactly the same position as it has been for the past month, with the same noise of beeps and my breathing in the room. Well the breathing of the machine, not me.

"I hear you, so clear and I feel you, all the time" I almost whisper. He's silent for a second.

"Just-" his voice cracks. "Just promise me - that - that if you can - you will fight. Fight so hard to come around. I need to see you move, even if its just slightly." He was crying, my heart broke. "Ev-even if it's just one finger, so I know you are still there and that all that is left isn't just this stupid machine. I love you Y/N" he says as he sobs. I wondered again what I was meant to fight for, I went through the same line over and over: "fight so hard to come around, fight so hard to come around, fight so hard to come aro-" I got it. I had to fight to save myself, for my life. I felt energy run through my body, it was electric, I couldn't stop it. I tried to move on of my fingers of the hand that was in KJs, I tried so hard, I was fighting.

"Y/N?!" I heard KJ say suddenly. He gripped my hand hard and I realised, I did it, I moved my finger....

*OKAY SO THERE IS FINALLY AN UPDATE!! SORRY ITS TAKEN SO LONG BUT I'M SO GLAD i FINALLY DID iT!!" also thankyou so much for 31k reads!! that is beyond amazing, hope you are all enjoying! I've had so many notifications telling me people are voting and adding to their reading lists so thankyou so much!!*

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