Chapter 20 - Archie & Jellybean

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*okay so for this chapter i am going to make up a random scene for 'season 2', its not an actual one from the program (obviously lol just wanted to make it clear) Enjoy !!* 

You woke up to the loud ringing of your alarm in your ears, reaching for KJ next to you to turn it off only to find he wasn't there. 

"KJ?" you try to speak as your voice comes out all croaky, you get no reply, you sigh and rest your head back down on your pillow looking at the ceiling before groaning at how early it was but pulling yourself out of bead for another day on set. As usual, you and the rest of the cast get up 2 hours before you are due in hair and makeup so you have chance to sit and relax with each other while having breakfast. 

You pull your hair into a messy bun and shove on one of KJ's massive hoodies on which is so big on you, it covers your pajama shorts. You walk out of your trailer without shoes as its so sunny and your trailers are on grass anyway. Lucky for all of you, the food tent is at the end of your trailers so you don't have to drag yourself far in the morning. You grab your usual Nutella on toast and a cup of tea before heading to the sofas around the fire in the middle of your trailers. You loved this part of the morning when it was sunny as you could all sit outside in the sun together and just chill for a while. Lili and Madelaine were already there as you sat with them tucking in to your food.

"Have either of you seen KJ this morning? He wasn't there when i woke up" you ask the girls as Cami joins you all

"I think him and the boys went for an early run" Lili replies as you nod remembering KJ told you the night before

"Of course, KJ did tell me i completely forgot!" you say just as you spot the boys returning at the other end of the trailers. They jog over as Cami asks them how it was.

"Really good actually, such a nice morning for it" KJ replies coming behind you bending down to greet you by placing a kiss on your forehead and then one on your lips before walking down to the food tent with the boys to grab breakfast. They return and KJ plops himself down next to you. You bring your legs up onto the sofa leaning them to the side, resting them on KJs closest leg to you (don't know if that made sense sorry haha). You all chill for a bit while finishing your food.

"Morning guys, really sorry but we are going to be starting 2 hours later today as we are having some issues with the camera so be at hair and make up in 3 hours!" (its 3 hours because they got up 2 hours early) a crew member tells them

"Okay no worries" you all say in unison before laughing. You all decide to make the most of the weather and mess around on the grass between the trailers for a while. You end up having mini competitions of who can do the best handstand etc and posting loads of snapchats and instagram stories before Lili comes up with the idea of live streaming. 

She starts a live stream and it instantly gets thousands of views, people start commenting as you all continue to do more competitions. You and KJ are the last two in the handstand competition as you go against each other to get first place. All the fans start commenting you ship name and going mad over you being together. You win causing KJ to start chasing you in and out of all the trailers as everyone else tries to stop you as you run from him, screaming, so he can catch you. He finally catches you as he spins you too the floor in a heap of laughter as everyone else jumps on you both. When you all finally get up after recovering from the fits of laughter its time for you to get ready to go too hair and makeup, you all say bye to the livestream as KJ wraps his hands around your waist from behind while saying bye, causing the fans to go crazy over the comments before Lili ends it. Only a couple of seconds later both you and KJs phones start blowing up with screenshots from the livestream. You all laugh over them as the ones of you all running around are so funny. You all head back to your trailers to get ready for the day.


You all finish up in hair and makeup before heading to set. The scenes you were filming today were going to be super fun as it was big party scenes but you were nervous as this was the scene were Archie and Jellybean kiss. Obviously you were used to kissing KJ but in front of the whole cast and crew was quite daunting but you knew it would be okay once you had done it a few times.

The party scene is filmed and you all had so much fun because it felt like an actual party but now was the kiss. 

~from the show perspective (Jellybean)~

Archie pulled me away from the party out of his front door and around the side of the house. 

"What are you doing, why are we here?" I ask him confused 

"Because I need to tell you something important" he replies looking at the floor

"Well can it wait until tomorrow because i'm having fun in there" I ask, slightly annoyed that hes done this, I look at him while he continues to look at the floor and rub the back of his neck

"no if i don't tell you now I never will" he replies still not looking at me, this time he sounds nervous 

"well look at me and tell me then" i say while taking hold of this hands as he looks me in the eye

"Look, it sounds weird i know but i-i..." he stalls as my stomach knots hoping hes going to say what I want him to say, I nod at him for reassurance, "I- i really like you and i know it's slightly weird because your brother is my be-" I stop him from rambling by leaning and placing my lips on his as i rest my hand on his cheek and the other on his arm. He is taken by surprise at first and doesn't do anything before quickly kissing back and grabbing hold of your face. I pull away.

"I really like you too, Jughead is going to have to deal with it" i smirk while leaning in for one more kiss before grabbing his hand and pulling him back inside.

~end of scene~

"WOOWWWW THAT WAS INTENSE GUYS JEEZ" Cole shouts as they call cut for the scene. You turn around smirking with embarrassment as you hid your face in KJs chest as he laughs. You wrap for the day and all head back to the fire and sofas outside the trailers. 

You all spend an hour or so outside before heading back to your trailers to sleep as you finished late due to starting late. You and KJ get into bed and you cuddle into KJ like always. 

"How do you feel about going out tomorrow night, just us two as our first proper date since you've got here?" KJ asks while stroking your hair. You prop yourself on your elbow to look at him.  

"Yes of course, I would love to" you tell him pecking his lips. 

"okay well be ready by 8" he says as you lie back down and drift off too sleep.

*just saying i wont be writing about the date, just about after!*

Pure - KJ APAWhere stories live. Discover now