Chapter 1 - we're doing it

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You and your best friend, Summer, were 17 and lived together in a flat in your small town. You'd been best friends since you were 2 and have stayed together every since, doing everything ever together. You did everything together and had just signed up for auditions to be an extra in your favourite show, Riverdale.

"SUMMER COME HERE" you screamed up throughout the house to where it met Summer in the bathroom.
"WHAT WHAT IS IT?!" she shouted back, sounding as if she was ready for something big.
"WE DID IT, WE GOT THROUGH THE AUDITIONS, WE ARE GOING TO BE ON RIVERDALE OMG SUMMER I DON'T BELIEVE IT" Summer came running full speed into your bedroom looking as if she was going to burst.
"NO WAY OMG Y/N NO WAY!!" you got up and grabbed her hands.
"we are going to be on Riverdale! can't you believe it WE ARE GOING TO BE ON RIVERDALE!" you both start jumping up and down screaming. After a while of this both of your phones ping , you look at eachother and scream again-

Dear (Y/N // Summer), congratulations, you've made it through to be an extra on Riverdale! Be at Heathrow airport by 8am tomorrow morning to board your plane to the USA. You will be there for 3 weeks and all costs are covered apart from extra spending money! See you tomorrow,
Anna, show manager.

- "OMG ITS OFFICIAL Y/N" you both jump around and scream some more
"okay okay we need to pack and get to sleep right now so we are ready to go in the morning, we'll leave at 6, night sum, love you" you hug her with excitement before leaving the room.

Pure - KJ APAWhere stories live. Discover now