Chapter 15 - see you soon pt2

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After the meal and amazing surprise, you all head back to set to your trailers to get changed before spending an hour or two around the massive fire pit and sofas that was in the middle of all your trailers.

You put on some leggings and one of KJ's massive hoodies that you loved because it was so soft and smelt just like KJ. You grabbed a blanket and headed out to the fire pit to find Cole and Casey lighting the fire. You sit yourself down on the double sofa so that you can sit with KJ and wrap yourself in your blanket. 

"So you liked your surprise?" Casey askes with the biggest smile on his face

"It was amazing, did you all know?" you smile back

"Of course, we all had a part in helping decoration and the girls helped KJ pick the perfect ring" Cole replies

"Aww thankyou guys, i love you all so much" you say smiling sweetly

"We love you so much Y/N" you here Camila saying back and she heads over to you all

After a couple of minutes everyone has arrived, including KJ who you cuddle closely into. He has his arm firmly around you while you are tucked into his side in a ball, your head on his chest and wrapped in your blanket as he plays with your hair and holds a beer in his other hand. He gives you occasional forehead kisses.

It's now dark and you are all having an amazing time just laughing at stupid things you have all done while filming and being heated by the fire which at this point was roaring. 

"hey is it alright if I get up to use the loo?" KJ whispers into your ear, you nod and slowly move away so he can get up. When he comes back he sits between your legs with his back firmly against your chest and his head rested on your shoulder, occasionally tucking it into your neck kissing your jaw, causing you to look down and place a sweet kiss to his lips, leaving him smiling brightly every time. You run your hands through his hair while continuing your conversation with the others.

"Thankyou for everything KJ, I love you" you whisper sweetly into his ear, leaving a small kiss against it. He looks up at you and directly into your eyes

"I love you babe" he says back as you smile sweetly.

Soon enough its time to sleep as its 1am. This is the final time you will see anyone for a while so you and Summer make your rounds saying bye to everyone individually. You are crying and this whole process takes a good 30 minutes. You all finally head back to your trailers, you going to KJ's to spend the night there. You both sort yourselves out and fall asleep wrapped around each other closely.

You wake up a couple of hours later to your alarm and your stomach knots up knowing this is it. You climb out of bed to get ready before waking KJ so he can have a bit longer to sleep, but KJ wakes up as well and he gets straight out of bed before pulling you close to him without saying a word. You both stand there hugging each other close for a few minutes as you begin to cry.

"K-KJ, i don't want to go" you say as you burst into tears

"Hey, don't cry, it's going to be okay, we are going to be okay, i love you" he says while pulling away and wiping your cheeks with his thumbs and kissing you softly, you kiss back and rest your forehead against his while holding his hands to your chest. 

"Do you promise?" you ask 

"Y/N, look at me" he says as you look into his eyes. "I promise with all my heart, we are going to be okay" he says while you nod and your eyes being to well up again. He pulls you into another hug again and you cry lightly into the crook of this neck.

"I love you so much" you say as you pull away and place a final kiss to KJ's lips

You get ready and meet Summer outside.

"You ready" Summer askes, you nod as KJ grabs your hand and squeezes is lightly in a reassuring way. The three of you walk to the exit of set where a taxi is waiting for both you and Summer. 

This is it.

You turn to KJ and jump into him giving his the biggest hug you can and you start crying immediately into his neck. 

"I love you Y/N, so much" he coos into your ear softly, you pull away and cup his face in your hands while still sobbing.

"i've never loved anyone like you KJ, i love you so damn much" you whisper before placing a sweet, soft kiss to his lips, you pull him for one final hug as he also starts to cry a bit. You pull away smiling, "i love you babe, see you soon okay?" you ask him

"Of course, we will see each other sooner than we realize" he says as you pull away holding hands until the very last moment and Summer pulls you into the taxi. You open the window as the driver pulls away and blow a kiss to KJ as you see him sobbing but smiling as you drive away. 

Already, you couldn't wait to be back in his arms. 

Pure - KJ APAWhere stories live. Discover now