Chapter 13 - Not long left

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2 months later and you and KJ were better than ever. You and Summer had officially joined the main casts squad and had been moved to a trailer on set as you had both been given a lot ore lines and you were all so close you loved it.

However, you and Summer's time on Riverdale was coming to an end as your characters were not needed and there was no one to audition for to get back on. You had two weeks left of filming so you knew you had to go back home to the UK for university. You had promised your mum and dad that you would, even though they wanted you to stay out there doing what you love, they knew it was best to come back and get a degree.

The boys were currently filming a scene so you and the girls were chilling in the cast break trailer talking about when you were leaving.

"Aw guys we really don't want you to go" Lili turned to you and summer with a sad look on her face.

"I know and trust me, it would mean the world to be able to stay but we have to go back for uni, it's whats best" you replied quietly and calmly. Everyone sat in silence for a second.

"But hey, if we ever come to the UK for a press interviews, you guys will be the first people we will tell!!" Camila said excitedly

"Yes that would be great, just imagine the big reunion", Summer giggled lightly

"It will be so fun, we are definitely going to see each other again soon", Madelaine said with a promising smile

"Exactly, you aren't getting rid of us that easy" Summer said hopefully

"Whats wrong B?" Cami asked you, you were sitting there looking into space, you looked at her as your eyes began to fill with water, "hey, whats wrong?" she asked again as she put her arm around your shoulder to comfort you.

"Its just that-- i'm going to miss you all so much and K-KJ" you burst into tears as cami hugs you tight

"I know its going to be hard, but i know you will both be okay, he loves you so much Y/N, he will never give up on you" she says quietly

"I know, it's just going to be so hard and not having you guys too get me through it will make it harder", you laugh slightly at yourself and look at summer, "at least iv'e got you by my side S, i would definitely not be able to do it without you", you say as she smiles big and gets up to come over to you

"Awwww, group hug guys", she announces as everyone crushes you, sending everyone into laughter, "We love you guys", summer says as the boys come in having after filming their scene. You all look up at them and KJ staright away notices you've been crying, he knows you hate fuss so instead just walks straight over and pulls you into his side to comfort you, knowing exactly why you are crying, while Cole and Casey sit down. You all start chatting and asking about how the scene went.

"You okay, need to talk?" KJ whispers into your ear, sounding concerned. You turn to him and kiss him softly

"I'm good, don't worry about it" you say not wanting to worry him. He nods and kisses your forehead as you cuddle into him more, knowing you didn't have a lot of time left with him. You all spend the lunch break chilling and laughing.

*sorry this chapter is so short but its a filler for the next few chapters so you know what is going on*

Pure - KJ APAWhere stories live. Discover now