Chapter 10

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The Movie.

"Here we are!" Aph smiled, "Cool. What movie are we watching anyway?" I looked at Aph, "Well it's a horror movie!" Aph shuddered smiling. "H-horror?..." I said, "if you get scared you can hold my hand~" Laurence smirked at me. "Eek! No!" I glared, "Hey Y/n." I heard Gene. My eyes widened, "what are you doing here?!" "Watching a horror movie.." he smirked, "ugh.." I face palmed myself, "Y/n!" Ein called after me. "Ehhhh got to go!" I ran towards them as they were walking into the theatre. I hated. Horror movies! We sat down, I was in between Ein and Laurence. Gene on the other hand was behind me.

There was a jump scare! I tried not to scream but it was too late and Ein laughed at me, I felt my face heat up! "D-dont laugh at me!" I whispered, He started blushing and looked at me. I started to chuckle, he turned his face back to the screen. "NOO JOHN!" The movie screamed, "Aw poor john..." I whispered to myself,

THE MOVIE FINALLY ENEDED IM SCARRED FOR LIFE, "bye Y/n Ein, Aphmau, and Laurence waved at me. "Bye" I whispered and started walking home looking around me 2000 times, I was so scared!

Genes POV
Once that Ein dude was alone I walked up to him, "hey you!" I yelled. He looked at me confused, "you know Y/n?" I raised my eyebrow. "Uh ya?.." Ein nodded his head, "don't even try flirting, or making any moves on her! Or else." I muttered the last part, "Are you her boyfriend?" Ein asked. "N-No...But i- well..." I looked away, 'Fuck... Why am I doing this? I don't like Y/n..' I thought.. "uhh.." he muttered, "excuse me." I walked away fast. "FUCK" I yelled.

I was sitting in my room when, I heard someone yell 'fuck' oh well, I walked to my desk and started to draw. 'I'm so bored idk what to do.. hmm' I walked to my window and opened it.. I sat on my roof. It was a nice view I guess.. "GET OFF THE DAMN ROOF YOU BRAT!" I thought I heard my dad, "what.." I looked around, "Gene!" I growled. "Heh.. hey." He laughed sitting next to me. "Are Zenix and Sasha still bothering you?" He asked.

Yea... they are. "No" I lied, "you promise?" Gene raised his eyebrows. "GENE!" I heard Zenix yell. "What?!" He growled. "I thought we were hanging out?!" Zenix growled back, "and without that Loser!" Sasha added. I flipped them off, "I forgot." Gene looked at me. "Hey Gene, push her off the roof.." Zenix whispered. "IM RIGHT HERE I CAN HEAR YOU?!" I Glared. Gene jumped to his roof and left, I sighed.

~Time skip, brought to you by Travis's taco's... Travis: TACOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
me: Travis, calm down.

Travis: Dang, i want tacos now.


"Y/n, I'm.. Home." I heard my dad walk through the door, "Oh." I simply said.. I was currently laying on the couch waiting for something, i dont know what... "You okay hun?" He sat beside me. "I'm just.. Worried." I mummbled... My dad looked down, "Im sorry... He's dead." My dad said bluntly. My eyes widened, "HES WHAT?!" Tears dripped down my face and I stood up. "Y/n.." He tried to grab my arm but I ran to my room and slammed my door. 'How could he be dead??' I thought wiping tears off my face, but they were still coming down like a water fall. i put on a hoodie, and I opened my window and I jumped onto the roof.

I jumped to the ground and pulled my hood up, "Why him?" I asked myself. I started walking to the park, I sat there with my head in my knees.

~Next Day at School~

Genes POV

Well lets say i was in the worst mood possible and i wanted to hurt someone! Ugh! "Y/n!" I heard Aphmau go up to Y/n, "Leave me alone." She walked away, "Is she okay?" Ein asked aph, "No.." She mumbled. OH NO the little Y/n is sad! Who cares?! "Come on guys.." I growled to Zenix and Sasha. We walked the way Y/n walked without noticing, she was at her locker. I kinda accidently pushed her and all her papers.. Fell out of her binder. "Asshole." She mummbled and started to pick up papers, "Did you just call me an asshole?" I turned to her and went closer to her.

"Yea! Cause you are!" She stood up glaring, "Shut up!" I pushed her into the lockers again, "your just a girl who needs attention!" I growled. "NO I DONT i want, PEOPLE LIKE YOU to fuck off! And get the fuck out of my life!" Y/n growled, "Stop acting tough! Your just a little small weakling!" I glared. "Ya? And IM SENSITIVE SO WHAT?! HUH?? I CAN'T HANDLE MY EMOTIONS" She started to look away."THAT'S OVBIOUSLY YOUR FAULT!" I yelled, "ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT I FEEL LIKE SHIT TODAY. Its not My fUCKING FAULT THAT MY BROTHER DIED." She started to tear up. "or is it.." She muttered, She left her papers and ran off. "Nice! You made her cry, shes such a cry baby." Zenix laughed. I stayed silent and started to walk away.

Your POV
HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE. I was sobbing, i was on the bleachers. thank god it was lunch. "Y/n?" Ein came up to me and sat beside me, "Go away." I said crying in my knees. "No," He simply said. I raised my head and looked at him, "Whats wrong?" He smiled at me, "Nothing inportant." I rubbed my eyes. "You sure?" He moved closer to me. "Yea I'm sure." I gave a fake smile, (Also I'm Pissed that Ein became the Alpha in the 20th episode I THINK) "Okay! Wann do something fun?" Ein smiled, "Sorry Ein, I can't," I looked down. "Oh thats okay, some other time i guess" His smiled didn't fade.. How are were wolfs so happy...

KinDa sad, kinda not EH OH WELL ENJOY A 1000 chapter

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