Chapter 19

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To the beach!

Genes POV

We were walking to the beach, when I walked into the bathroom.... she looked beautiful in that bathing suit... WHAT?! GENE WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? Ugh... "You okay Gene? Your face is red" She looked at me.  No im not okay. "Yeah just really hot." I lied and she nodded her head and smiled, How could such a smol person be so nice Especially after i bullied her. "I have a question" I smiled at her, "Hm yeah?" Y/n looked at me. "Why did you ever become my friend, especially... after i bullied you?" I sighed slightly, "Because I thought maybe.. You could... I don't know have a chance?" Y/n smiled at me. "A chance? what do you mean?" I asked, "A chance to have a real friend." She gave me a warmer smile and looked back in front of her.  "R-right, Friend" My smile faded while walking. I just watched her walk... Maybe she doesn't feel the same,

We set up towels & food & everything, "I think i might go cool down in the water, Wanna join?" I asked Y/n, "yeah sure why not" She started taking her clothes off.... Right.. In front of--  GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER?! I shook my head. I took my shirt off to reveal my hot 6 pack abs, I looked Y/n and she was a tomato. "Uhhh Y/n?" I chuckled, "U-uh! Y-y-yeah?" She stuttered madly, 'Maybe she does feel the same' I thought chuckling outloud. "W-w-what??" She backed up a bit, "Nooothhhinnnggg, your just all red... You like what you see?" I said flexing my bootiful musscllesss. Her face got even redder. "U-ugh n-no BUZZ OFF!" she freaked, shoving me into the water. "Gah!" I fell face first into the shallow water. I looked up to see her laughing her ass off, while she was laughing i silently grabbed her arm and pulled her in with me. 

She shrieked as we went into the water. "Hahahaa! Didn't see that coming did ya, smol fri?" I grinned laughing, "GENE!?" She growled trying not to smile. "Don't be a brat if you cant take it~" I flirted in a harsh way, she made a face. Then a smol smirk crept up onto her face, "BRAT!" Y/n yelled walking deeper into the water. I laughed and started to follow, she turned somewhere but i kept going deeper.

Your POV

When Gene started following me I turned and found a bucket, I filled it with water & I went behind Gene, dumping it all over his head. "THAT IS COLD!" He exclaimed and started to chase after me. " AH GENE" I screamed running near the deep end, "COME BACK HERE YOU SMOL FRI" Gene screamed back. "SHIT GENE I CAN'T SWIM IN THE GOD DAMN DEEP EN--" I squealed as my head dipped under the water, I started to panic! My heart was going faster, i felt like i was gonna die. Something grabbed my ankles, I screamed under water but i covered it Because I REMEMBERED THAT I SHOULDN'T do that! I was pulled up and I started to flail about LIKE A CRAZY CHICKEN PERSON CAW CAW!??!?!??!?!?!  Authors note: sorry me and my friend got a bit sidetracked ;D   I squealed "CAW CAW?!" 

"Caw, caw?" He laughed, I crawled into his arms and breathed heavily. "Can't swim?" He asked smirking, "oh shush!" I glared. He picked me up and put me on his back, "w-what are you doing?" I stuttered. "Oh nothing" He said smirking. "It took you long enough to get me," I grumbled, "i swear I will drop you in this water" Gene threatend. "OKAY OKAY SORRY" I yelped holding onto him tightly, He just smirked. He carried me to the shore putting me down and we started to dry off. "What now, smol fri?" "Um sand castle?" I smiled at him sitting on the ground, "Sure" he smiled, I smile at him and grab a bucket pouring sand all over his legs. "What are you doing?" He raised his eyebrow, "Burying you, duh," I replied still pouring sand on him, "HeY! I never agreed to this!" He glared, "Well, whatever. You trust me don't you?" I looked at his Adorable face. "uh yeah, bu--" I interuppted him, "Well then I'm doing this" I kept on putting sand on him till only his head was out. "This is uncomfortable." Gene groaned, 

I laughed, "byeee" I  started to walk away jokingly. "WAIT WHAT" He yelled, I giggled and started to run looking behind me, until I ran into someone. "Oh uh sorr-- ZANE?!" I growled, "O-oh Y/n.." Zane was blushing, WHY IS HE BLUSHING? I DONT KNOW.

Zanes POV

She looked beautiful in that bikini, It was sexy on her... "Ummm..." I suttered, "What do you want?" She glared, "Would.. Um you like to the uhh, party they're holding tonight... with uh...m-me?" I looked at her, "Uhhhhh...... As long as if i can bring Gene?" Y/n smiled slightly. "Gene?! I mean! Gene.. Yeah okay... sure." I smiled under my mask, At least she's coming. "Y/N!!!!!! COME BACK" someone yelled. "GAH OKAY SORRY GEEZES" She screamed back walking towards a lot of sand. "Hurry! I need to pee!" Gene. yelled, Y/n was laughing her ass off. "Oh my god.. This is great" she mumbled, "Y/N PLEASE" He yelled. "OKAY OKAY" She laughed and started to take the sand off of him, he got up quickly running past me into the washroom. "What the..." I watched him, she laughed. Her laugh was adorable... (THIS IS NOT A ZANE X READER FANFICTION -_- DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT) 

I turned around slowly, i got the slightest boner. Fuck, "um you okay Zane?" Y/n asked, "Yeah. I'm gonna go bye" i walked away fast so she didn't see. 

Your POV

I watched him walk away questioning why he was walking away, oh well. "I can't believe you did that to me!" Said a mad Gene walking out of the boys washroom. "Oops" I smirked at him, "Brat" He grinned, "What are you thinking?" I backed away slowly. "Heheheh~ Y/nnn," He started walking towards me, I walked backwards even faster but he grabbed my arm pulling me into his bare chest. "Meep!" I felt my face heat up while he gently patted my head, "W-what are you doing?!" I freaked out. Gene just laughed, he picked me up, like bridal style and i started squirming. "AH" I screamed. He went to the deep end and threw me in, "SHIT GENE" I yelped falling into the water. I squeezed my eyes tight, I think he forgot that i couldn't swim. i waited for a bit. Yep he forgot, I started to try and swim up but it was hard for me. I swam up coughing out water, "I! Cant swim you dumbas--" I went back under the water panicking. I got picked up and i opened my eyes, "Sorry, I forgot" He smiled nervously. "Butt head" I growled, "I COULD OF DIED" 

"I'm sure you would of been fine" He laughed rubbing my head, "HOW DO YOU KNOW?! YOU KNOW HOW TO SWIM!!" I yelled, "Okay, okay. Calm down" Gene poked my nose. And i poked his cheek. He smiled at me, a small blush crept up on his face as we stared into eachother's eyes. "Y-you uh can..Um put me down now" I blushed slightly, "O-oh uh right" He put me down in. "Now what?" I smiled at him.


Me: B0I STFU I'M WRITING THE STORY :0  a lemon maybe it is 

Gene: God damnit...


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