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Brook stormed In and slammed the door behind her, it made me jump so I accidentally drop my mug, I rushed to Brook to see if she was ok.

"Soo.. how did go?" I spoke awkwardly

"PISS OFF! She spat, she pushed me over and I fell onto the back of the couch, I decided to let her rage considering she's pregnant and angry not to mention hormonal. I didn't know whether to comfort her or not, as last time I did I ended up kissing her, so I just paced the living room waiting for Lyla to return from her trip to the store. I could hear crashing and thudding coming from Brooks room, I thought I can't wait for Lyla to get back,because Brook is going Mental, I turned to face the direction her door and took a deep breath before trudging towards it, once I reached for it I swung the door open, and was Brook crying on the floor, I jogged to her and crouched down in front of her.

"What did he do, love?" I asked even though I probably know what he would of done, she spluttered then answered my question.

"Well.. he went to the (she sniffled) toilet... and (she took a long pause) didn't come back..... until ....20 minuets later." I assumed in what he did for 20 minuets, with the bar maid, I know he's my best friend and all, but he is a player an he didn't care about girls feelings.

"Ok... I know it's not the point but why do you care, I mean I thought you hated him?" I was intrigued at why she was crying if she hated him. she was no longer crying now and she could now talk properly.

"I don't know.. I just thought that maybe..." she stopped

"It's stupid." she sighs then looks down at her feet, I cupped her chin and lifted it up so she was looking directly into my eyes.

"If you've said it then it's not gonna be stupid" I whispered to her, I felt her skin heat up and soon enough there was red in her cheeks, her eyes started fluttering and she leant in closer, I realised what she was going to do, so I immediately shot up.

"I need a shower." It went awkward for a few minuets, she nodded and I left her room, closing the door behind me.

"Shit. that was close." I said to myself and took a deep breath, I grabbed a towel from the blanket cupboard and entered the bathroom, I turned the shower on, to let the water heat up, then I stripped off, and grabbed my shaver. I entered the shower and hissed at how hot it was on my cold skin, I grabbed the shaving cream and wiped it along my face, I shaved my stubble. After that, I put my face under the hot water to rinse away any excess foam, I put shampoo in my hair then washed it out, I turned the shower off and put a towel around my waist, I bent down so I could reach the cupboard under the sink, I reached my hand in and found what I was looking for, I opened up the tiny box to see all my rings, I picked up the black one and put it through the tiny hole in my lip, and I grabbed another one and put that through the even smaller hole in my eyebrow, I closed the box and put it at the very back of the cupboard, I stud up and looked into the mirror, I liked having my lip ring and my eyebrow ring in, I've not had them in while, we ever since I've been with lyla, I thought I might surprise her, I changed into some grey joggers and a white top, before leaving the bathroom, my hair was damp and It was flopping about, I heard the front door open, so I jumped over the couch and seen Lyla put the shopping bags on the floor, before she looked at me I pounced at her connecting her lips to mine, she kissed me back. I closed the door with my foot and pressed her against it, I felt her teeth bite into the lip ring, she gasped and shot back from me, she looked at me shocked.

"You have a lip peircing, and your eyebrow." she admired my face for a while.

"Yeah I've had them done for ages I've just not put them in since I met you." she looked at me then at my piercings.

"Why did you never put them in." she looked hurt.

"Because I thought you would think I'm ugly if I had these in and I liked you so I cared about what you thought." I answered truthfully, her face softened before reconnecting her lips with mine, she mumbled some words against my lips but I didn't understand what she was trying to say as it was too muffled.

"Jump!" I spoke into the kiss, she obeyed and jumped, I held her underneath her bum, as she wrapped her legs around me, I moved to her bedroom and gently put her down on the bed, I crouched over the top of her, while nibbling at her collar bone she moaned my name. There was a knock at the front door, so I stopped kissing and huffed while still over the top of her, I was about to get up but she pulled me back down again.

"Don't answer it." she panted, I continued sucking on her collar bone when the door knocked again, I finished my love bite on Lylas neck and got up to answer the door, once I reached the door, I moved the shopping bags away and then slowly opened it, I was pushed out of the way by an angry harry.

"Where the fuck is she!" he shouted at me, he barged pass me and stomped towards Brooks room, I jumped in front of him.

" If your gonna talk to her, you better calm down first." I tried to be calm, he huffed then nodded, I closed the front door and sat with my best friend.

"She told me you disappeared for 20 minuets." I told him, his jaw clenched and he looked at me before responding.

"You don't fucking no, shit!" he snapped, I grabbed Harry's wrist.

"Harry, you know I can't control it!" I spat at him, he pushed my hand away and looked away from me, he sighed then continued.

"I know you can't control it... she probably didn't tell you the waiter was flirting." he admitted to me, I looked him in the eyes.

"What kind of flirting, because your flirting is a guy looking at a girl, but my flirting is winking and cheesy chat up lines, that's my flirting." I asked, I could tell he was pissed off by my comment, but he

Knows better than to snap at me.

"HE GAVE HER HIS FUCKING NUMBER, THEN HE WAS FUCKING TELLING ME HOW TO FUCKING TREAT HER, ASIF HE FUCKING GIVES A SHIT, HE DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW HER!" he shouted, I heard Lyla exit the room with a bright red mark on her neck, I moved my eyes along her body, but I was quick to realise that she had a pair of really short, shorts on which showed her perfect legs, I moved my eyes up and notice the crop top she was wearing, she turned around to go into the kitchen and I could see the bottom of her ass hanging out, I chuckled but then remembered harry was now gawking at her so I jumped up and grabbed my hoodie from the couch and put it over the top of her, it just covered up her arse, I turned on my heels and jumped onto the couch, I looked a harry who was still gawking.

"OI! FUCKING EYES TO YOURSELF HARRY, THAT ASS YOUR LOOKING AT IS FUCKING MINE!" I snapped at him, he slowly turned his head and looked me in the eyes.

(1hour later)

Here I still am, having this conversation with harry. I stopped harry and looked around the apartment,i noticed a post it note, on the kitchen fridge, I read the message.

'Me and Brook snuck out, cuz your such loud talkers, any who gone shopping, I made you a sandwich, it's in the fridge (bottom shelf) see you later xx Lyla xxx'. I told harry, and soon enough he left, I went back to the apartment I once shared with harry and grabbed my guitar then came back to Lylas flat, I sat on a chair in the living room, with rose petals around me and a trail of rose petals leading from the lobby to this chair, I heard the front door open and sure enough was my beautiful girl. she dropped her bags and smiled at me.

"Awwh, Niall what are you doing, you silly devil." she spoke as if her heart was melting. I didn't say anything I just sang and played the guitar.

'I won't let these little things slip

Out of my mouth,

But if I do it's you oh it's you,

they add up to, cuz I'm in love with you, and your little things,

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you, you'll never treat your self right darling, but I don't want you to, if I let you knooow I'm here, for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you,"

I watched as she dropped to the floor crying.

"Happy valentines day Baby "

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