Chapter8~ Lost Control

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(After doctors appointment)

I arrived back at the apartment all shaken and sweaty, I opened up the front door to our apartment, to see Lyla and Niall playing with whipped cream I closed the door behind me and trudged to my room, I sat on my bed and... cried.

"How could you be so stupid Brook?" I told my self. the door slowly creaked open to reveal a whipped cream covered Lyla.

"What do you want" I snapped at her, she ignored me and proceeded to walk towards me.

"Hey, wats' up, wait Brook are you crying?" she cooed.

"No shit Sherlock!" I snapped again.

"Hey. I'm only asking what the fuck pissed you off!" she snapped back at me.

"Sorry, I'm stressed and pissed of, that's not a very good concoction." I started to calm down.

"So... How did the doctors go?" She asked.



"Cos' they told me I was fucking pregnant." her face went blank.

"See told you the appointment went shit." I said in a sarcastic tone, Lyla just chuckled.

"Is it, you know who's?" she whispered

"Yeah, think so."

"What you gonna do?" she asked

"NOT tell him!" she sighed at my answer.

"So your not gonna tell him that he has a child?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Whats going on and who's preggers ?" Niall entered the room, I panicked and said the first person I could think of except myself.

"Lyla!" Nialls smile faded and his eyes darkened, it scared me.

"What, the fuck Lyla, is it Jace's of course it's Jaces he is the only one you've FUCKED! your such a fucking whore Lyla!" I have NEVER seen him like this before.



"ITS NOT LYLA'S" his face softened and he kneeled down in front of Lyla.

"who is then?" he asked I frowned.

"Mine" I told him reluctantly

"Did harry finally get a girl preggers?" He said in sarcastic tone

"Stop saying preggers, it makes me sound like a slut." I told him, he nodded, we both looked over to a tearful Lyla.

"I'm sorry babe, I should of let you explain, and your not a whore, your a sexy, beautiful, kind, amazing girl and I care about you Lyla." she blushed and kissed Nialls nose, Niall grabbed her hands in his and spoke.

"Lyla.... will you be my. .... Girlfriend?" he held her hand, then kissed it tenderly.

"Get up you fool." she spoke jokingly, he stood to his feet.

"Yes of course I will" he held her up in the air by the waist and spun her round, she squealed in happiness, a tear shed my eyes as I know I will never have that with anyone, not even my child's father. They both started kissing, before I knew they were in a full blown make-out session, I groaned and went to the bathroom to have a shower.


we pulled away from the kiss when Brook left, Niall looked at me and smiled.

"So what we gonna do about her being pregger.... I mean pregnant?" Niall asked while checking if Brook was still around.

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