Chapter13~ Twins

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"BROOK! BROOK!" My vision was still black, but I could here a frail voice screaming in the distance, I tried with all my power to answer her back, but my mouth never moved, a sharp pain spiked my chest, I could feel myself being lifted from the ground, I smelt the air and cologne filled my nose, I instantly knew that the cold hands that was carrying me was harry.What was he doing here?how did he get in?.All these questions come to mind but soon drift of when I'm set on something soft, I heard the sirens, that's when I realised I was in an ambulance.
"She's pregnant." I heard Lyla say to I think a paramedic, I still couldn't see and I still had sharp pains in my chest, I could only hear.


I told the paramedic that she was pregnant and he just nodded and did something with some medical stuff.
"I'm going to put her unconscious as I don't want the baby to stress out and that could be harmful, for both mother and child." I just nodded and checked my phone.
'Me and harry will meet u at the hospital xx <3 love u baby ;)' I smiled to myself and texted Niall back.
'Ok babe, why is harry coming xx <3' I sent it, but as I was about to put it back Niall texted back.
'He insisted, I'm sorry xxx <3' I read the text then put my phone away, I looked around and noticed we were at the hospital, I rubbed Brooks shoulder then got out of the ambulance.
"You go wait in the waiting room, we will take it from here, a doctor will inform you once they have analysed the patient." I nodded and signed myself and Brook in at the registration office. I waited for about 20 minuets until the doctor came out and asked me to enter, I took a seat on the chair waiting for the doctor to speak.
"we have took her out her of unconsciousness, so she is conscious now but asleep, she will probably wake up soon, when she awakes call a nurse, you need to stay here in case she awakes as she could panic if she doesn't see something Familiar, I'm just going to get her rest results." I thanked him and waited for Brook to awake.

I opened my eyes slowly and winced at the burning hospital lights, I seen Lyla on her phone.
"Hi." I spoke, she jumped and pulled the cord in the room, I looked at her confusingly.
"Doctor told me to pull it when you woke up." I nodded.
"So how you feelin'?" she asked
"Good." the nurse entered with I think is the doctor they spoke to Lyla, about something but I wasn't listening, I was just examining the amount of tubes in my wrist.
"OK, Miss green, you had a high blood pressure and you passed out, high blood pressures are common in pregnancy." the doctor informed me.
"Ok thanks doctor." the doctor was about to leave, but turned around and looked at me.
"The Babies are fine so no Need to Worry about them." my eyes widened.
"BABIES!" I screamed, Lyla's face turned into a massive grin while mine was shocked. the doctor handed me a scan picture with two babies on it, I looked in the corner to see the sex, I screamed in excitement.
"WHAT,WHAT!" Lyla screamed in excitement aswell.
"I'm having twin girls!" I was excited but exhausted,Lyla took the scan from my hands and left the room.
"I'm going to let you rest for a bit." I nodded and watched as she left, I was about to fall asleep when the door opened, I seen harry so I quickly screw my eyes shut so I could pretend to be asleep.

He shook me and my eyes slowly opened,
"Brook are you ok" Harry whispered whilst staring into my eyes I never noticed how green his eyes where until now . He put his hand on my stomach as soon as he did that I broke eye contact and look down.
"Harry ..I-" I was cut off by Harry smacking his lips with mine then pulled away before I could respond
"Sorry I just got worried" Harry blushed

"about what?"I asked maybe he can see the bump oh who am I kidding he knows

"Wait Harry I ca-"I started but yet again he cut me off

"No nothing never mind im sorry i sould go...." Harry jumped to his feet and ran out my hospital room, Lyla came back into the room.
"I saw harry running and he was crying so I ...." I cut her off
"He kissed me." .......

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