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After Brook got out my car I sped off just so i didnt make anything more awkward. As i got to traffic light i looked over to the passenger seat I noticed she had left her bra.Great, how am i going to get this back to her.I reached over to get the baby pink bra, i have to admit, it was cute but i need to get this back to her but how.



I still haven't had my bra back, which is strange because what happens if he has kept it and does stuff with it, I cringe at the thought and carry on making mine and Lyla's dinner.

"Brook, I'm home, Niall's here too." I groaned because I had only just made enough for me and Lyla. I continued to place the potatoes into the boiling water, every time a chunk of potato hit the water, it made a loud sizzling sound.

"Mmmh.... what are you cooking Brook?" Lyla asked while walking into the kitchen.

"Errh....Roast dinner"

"Is there enough for me?,if not then I can get a McDonalds" Niall asked while wrapping his hands around Lyla's tiny waist.were they a couple now or did they just play around? I will have to ask her later.

"I can see if, there will be enough." I spoke politely, we all left the kitchen, Lyla and Niall went into her room, while I watched some show that was on the t.v, 'BING' 'BING' I jumped up from the couch and entered the kitchen, I turned the cooker off so it would stop binging, and served up two dishes, I then tried to use the leftovers to make Nialls dish.

"Dinners done." I shouted as I placed the three plates on our very small dinner table, I went back into the kitchen and poured two glasses of water and one pint of beer for Niall. I placed them next to the plates, and took a seat on the chair next to my plate. about 10 minuets later both Lyla and Niall came out of their room, but Niall wasn't wearing a top and Lyla was wearing his top instead, I thought about what they could have of been doing in there. but I started to feel uncomfortable so I shook the thought out of my head. We were about half way into the food when Niall spoke.

"Oh Brook i.... errr... kinda .... errm" by this point he was bright red and was rubbing his hand behind his neck, I was starting to get annoyed that was until I saw a speck if light pink in the other hand that was behind his back, now I think my face went red. But he carried on trying to talk. "yeah.. well harry ....said that you ....errrr .... kinda ....left this in his ... car." his hand moved away from behind his back and revealed my baby pink bra, I covered my face in my hands, then stormed out of the kitchen and into my room, I remembered that he still had my bra so I stormed back in the room that Niall and Lyla were and grabbed my bra and turned. I went back into my room. I closed the door behind and slid my back down to the floor, I didn't realise I was crying until a tear, dropped onto my sweating hand, I tried to stop the mascara from running but it was no use, there was too many tears. There was a light knock on the door.


"Oh Brook i.... errr... kinda .... errm

yeah.. well harry ....said that you ....errrr .... kinda ....left this in his ... car." Her face went bright red, I felt so horrid, doing this to her but harry have me strict orders to give it her in front of everyone, he was a cruel bastard sometimes. she stormed out then stormed back in and pulled the item out of my shaking hand, she went back to her room and slammed the door. I felt so bad.

"Babe, it's ok you had to give it to her." Lyla said as she leaned closer to me, her lips connected with mine but I pulled away and went to brooks room.

"NIALL, were are you going!"

"IM GONNA MAKE THIS BETTER, I FEEL LIKE A FUCKING DICK!" I shouted at Lyla, her face softened and tears started brimming at her beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry babe, I am a dick and I didn't mean to shout I just shout when I can't handle something, I'm sorry." I said while kissing her dry lips, she smiled through the kiss. I pulled away and went back to Brooks room. I lightly knocked and wait for her frail voice to speak.

"What!" she spoke sternly but her voice was shaky so I knew she had been crying.

" I.... Er... Iam sorry Brook... I didn't mean to ..err be a dick about it."

She opened the door just enough that I could slip through. I slipped in and sat on the bed. she did the same.

"Look I ..."

"No, it doesn't matter now does it." she started tearing up again. I slowly rubbed my index finger underneath her black eye. I guess the black was from the macara thingy, is it even called macara.

"It does matter, I made you cry, I didn't even have to say it in front of everyone" I whispered softly.

"It's hardly everyone.BUT THATS NOT THE POINT, WHY DIDNT YOU SAY IT PRIVATE!" I understood why she was pissed, so I stayed calm and carried on.

"Well harry told me to embarrass you, but I ...."

"WHAT, THAT FUCKING DICK!" she stood up and started kicking the edge of her bed. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her closer, she stopped and we both looked into each other's eyes.

"I don't know why I went along with it, I must of thought you would laugh." I spoke truthfully, she leaned in and our lips connected, I was shocked by her actions but something inside me made my lips move in sync with hers, her hands played with my soft blonde locks, I started to lift her top off but I stopped knowing that it wasn't right.

"Why did you stop?" she questioned

"Er.. it's not right, I can't do that to Lyla." she looked at me in confusion.

"Soo.. are you two a thing then,because from what it looks like you just fuck each other." her words hurt me. Me and Lyla weren't just fuck buddies were we? I mean we haven't actually had sex but we have done other stuff.

"We have never actually slept together." I muttered slightly embarrassed and I think it looks like we do. Brooks eyes widened as soon as she realised what I had said.

"You mean you not had SEX yet!" she laughed at my uncomfortable face, I just nodded and looked down in shame.

"Heyy.. there is nothing wrong with that, I just found it funny cause you always come out of her room with messy hair and and usually you have no top on." she cooed while stroking my back. I smiled and pulled her up from her bed and made her makeup better, as from the tears it smudged it all.

"Does this macara ever come of" I asked while trying to rub of the macara under her eyes.

"It's maScara" she chuckled emphasising the 'S', I smiled while still trying to rub the macara, or is it mascara, wait do you know what it's now called to eye stuff! I gave in and licked my finger then tried to rub it off, nope not working, so I just gave up and pulled her out of her room and into the living room, where Lyla was watching Big Bang Theory. I love that show.

"Look who decided to join us." I said motioning to the puffy faced Brooklyn, I pulled her onto the couch so she was next to Lyla, I then let go of her hand and sat on the opposite side of Lyla. she wiggled so that she was now snuggled up in my side, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pushed her closer to me.

"I need to go..." Brook shouted while holding her mouth as she ran towards the bathroom. me and Lyla both glanced at each other then glanced towards the bathroom.

"I think she's puking." well done Lyla state the obvious, I just smiled them kissed the top of her head.

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