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I checked my phone, and seen that I had a text from my bitch of a sister.

' Look I was completely and utterly out of order, please come to the wedding on Saturday .xxxxxxsorry chick:(' ugh she trying to make me feel guilty! wait what the wedding is two days ! those weeks went fast, me and liv hadn't spoke since the incident in the hospital and me and harry haven't spoke or even seen each other after our hormonal moment, my sisters wedding is in two days and I'm still deciding wether to go or not yet, I know I should but she basically called me a whore who sleeps around a lot, I thought about it for a long time and decided to go, but I'm not telling her that.

'I'm not sure if I'm coming, I will decide later. x' within seconds she responded.

'its at the st Patrick church at 1 it would mean the world to me if you could come but it's your choice obviously xxxx' I read it and turned my phone off.


' I'm not sure if I'm coming, I will decide later. x' I texted her back hoping that she will show up on the day. I'm meeting up with Lyla today, so I can ask who the baby's father is.

"When you meeting Lyla?" Liam asked while placing my cup of tea on the coffee table.

"Err... in 20 minuets, do you think you could drop me off at the mall ?"

"Yeah of course love." Liam nodded.


"give me a ring if you need picking up." Liam said while pulling into a the carpark of the mall.

"Yeah I will sweetie." I kissed my fiancé and stepped out the car.

"Have fun love!" Liam shouted while I closed the door, I waved and nodded then turned on my heels and walked up to Lyla who was waiting by the door of the mall, once I reached her, I kissed her cheek and she did the same.

"Nice to see you again Ly."

"It's good to see you too, Liv, how's things?" Lyla asked while we walked towards subway.

"Things are great, but brooks fallen out with me,so I'm not sure she's coming to the wedding."

"Well I'll make sure she goes." as soon as Lyla finished her sentence my phone buzzed, saying that I had a text.

'Heyy babe sorry to bother u, but I just met an old friend from high school, do you mind if I invite him to the wedding. xxxxxxxxx' I grinned at the fact that Liam will have a friend at the wedding, ever since we moved to the valleys none of Liam's friends can drive all the way here so a lot of them won't be attending , I looked back down at my phone and quickly texted back.

"Of course love, what's his name so I can add him to the list? xxxxx.'

'Harry, he lives in the Valleys, styles.' I nodded then added him to my notes on my phone.

"Sorry Liam asked if his friend harry could come to the wedding." her face turned stern.

"What! Harry who.." she asked I checked my text, so I could make sure I got the right name.

"Styles... harry styles, why" her mouth formed a perfect 'O' a questioning look appeared on my face and I guess Lyla noticed that.

"Harry is the father of the baby." my face turned into a perfect 'O' instead, we both looked at each other and laughed hysterically.

"Oh my....." *laughing* "she's gonna...."*even more laughing* "get a shock" we spoke and laughed in unison.

"Brooks wearing this tight dress aswell, oh well he needs to know." Lyla told me, I was shocked that he hadn't guessed already, but then again some men just look at boobs and Brook has a good set on her, so that's probably what he has been looking at for these 6 months.


Me and Liv shopped till it was about 6'0clock then we went home, when I got back to my apartment I put away the 7 bags of shopping I had accumulated over the hours today, after I did that I phone the pizza parlor and ordered a Hawaiian supreme. *ding dong* the door bell went off, I got up from the couch and walked over To the door, I grabbed the pizza from the pizza mans hand and searched for my hand bag, I found my handbag in the kitchen and removed my purse from it, I opened it up and took £7 for my pizza, I went back to the door and gave I think he is called Dave my money. I ate my pizza on my own as Niall is at his house and Brook is staying at a cousins house. I had a 1hour shower, after that I put a pair of joggers on and one of Nialls tops, once I had done that Niall had came round, he was now going to bed and so was I, we brushed our teeth and went to bed, Niall wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my back, i was enjoying his comfort but sleep overtook me.


' He grabbed my ankle and pulled me back onto his bed, I felt tears rushing down my pale face. My hands were pinned above my head, he licked his lips then attacked my swollen ones, I tried to turn away but it was no use he had already poisoned my lips with his rough ones, he lifted from me and removed his jeans and boxers, he took a foiled packet out of his pocket and put it on his length, he looked down at me, and to the bedside table, he jumped up and opened the draw in the bedside table, I took this as my chance to escape, so I scrambled up and grabbed the bits of clothing that wernt ripped by his aggressive hands, I put the tank top on and put my panties on, by the time I did that he had got what he wanted, out of the cupboard, I turned to face him, then looked in his hand to find a pair of fluffy handcuffs, I knew they were meant for me I jumped to the door, only to be pulled back. He handcuffed me to the metal bed, that squeaked at every movement. He aggressively pulled the thin items that covered my pale body and threw them on the floor, my body went stiff and I felt my hands shaking against the cuffs, he pushed my wet hair away and kissed my trembling lips, he thrusted inside me. I screamed and water poured out of my pain filled eyes, I knew that I was trapped forever......'


"BABE!, BABE! WAKE-UP BABE YOUR CRYING WAKE-UP!" I screamed at my beautiful Lyla, she was crying hysterical, her blood shot and wet eyes flashed open, she looked over her surroundings, she leaped up and wrapped her sweaty arms around me. I hugged her tightly while she got her breath back. once her breathing was back to normal I removed myself from our long hug and kissed her tender nose.

"What's wrong baby." I asked while putting the stray hairs behind her ears

"I...don't ... feel .... like saying....." she responded.

"Was it a nightmare?" I asked again while kissing the corner of her mouth she nodded and kissed my lips I kissed back and slithered my tongue into her mouth, the familiar taste of metal wooshed through my taste buds, I played with the piercing in Lyla's tongue, she pulled away, that's when I realised it went from romantic to sloppy I chuckled and she smiled, I got up from 'our' bed. well I say 'our' bed, when actually it's just her bed. anyway I entered the kitchen and turned the grill on and put some hash browns in the oven, I waited for the grill to heat so I could put the bacon on. once the bacon was on I watched some T.V . The oven beeped, telling me that the food was done, I served it on a plate and took it to Lyla, when I entered the bedroom Lyla had gone for a shower, so I ended up eating it myself, once she was done in the shower, she sat beside me.

"What was your dream about Baby?" I asked her while placing my hand on her upper thigh. she swalled what must of been a lump and coughed.

"When.... I .... was.... dating my ... ex-boyfriend....Jace i..... err... my first time was by him..... but he errrrr." I squeezed her hand.

"Baby you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I told her she nodded

"I need you to know why I have all these piercings and why I still after all these months don't trust you enough to give you a key, I know I seem fine to you but I'm not I have scars Niall, there on my thighs on my wrist and on my hips I need you to know why I take anti- depressants." she swallowed another lump.

"I was Raped and Sexually Abused by Jace and despite all that I still loved him." she was ashamed, she scratched her wrists and bit her now dry lips. I got up from the bed and kissed Lyla's lips passionately.

"I would never do that because I'm deeply in love with you, so will you marry me?" she looked up and nodded then kissed me.

*|Sorry for the long chapter,and the P.O.V change the random POV was Lylas nightmare <3 xx


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