chapter 4

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Riley P.O.V. (WTF)

As soon as i got home my mother told me to go to my room and get ready because we are having people over for dinner. i groaned not wanting anyone over. Its not that i want anyone over its just that ever since my dad left us, we moved here to get away from everyone, start fresh, new. But then my older sister went to college, for all the wrong reasons... so its just been me and my mother for the past year or two. 

I only have two really close friends, they are really fun to be around with. but, i only really had one real friend, but she umm...passed away...a couple of months ago, ever since then its was hard for me to make friends or talk to people to be exact...i still get really sad when her parents call me to see how im doing but in reality they just want some closure for their daughter, which is fine by me. It sort of gives me closure, what hurts me the most is that...well...umm... it doesn't really 'hurt', it mostly just kind of blocks me out from the rest of the world. 

So as im laying down on my bed thinking about all these things, i slowly drift off to sleep.

When, i wake up, my mother is staring down at me. More like sending daggers through her eyes at me. She looks incredibly pissed and i wonder wh-...oh. i was supposed to be ready for our guest.

I sit up-right while rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of it . i look at my clock thats sitting right on top of my dresser across the room and see the time. ITS 7:30 I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN THERE THIRTY MINUTES AGO, i prayed that the guest would be running late but low voices from downstairs proved me wrong. I turned my head slowly to see my not-so-pleased looking mother and show-off an awkward smile.

"Riley, this is the third time you do this kind of stuff. And this time im not letting you off the hook so easily, now you are going to go downstairs as you are and have a nice dinner and make some new friends."

She obviously didnt hear the irony in her explanation so i just sighed and got up, i went into the bathroom to look at myself. And i look like a mess, i understand that i just woke up but this wasnt acceptable. Im not much of a dressy-up kind of girl so i just brushed my teeth and braided my hair. I got out of the bathroom and my mom was STILL inside my room, she was looking at my bookshelf and frowned upon the books that i had... what...i love to read and write. She then went to a little green box i had on top of my dresser with a picture of my old friend. She picked it up and smiled at it.

"You know, you look so happy in this picture with her...i wonder what happen? she was always so happy...why wont you tell us Riley? if you tell me it could help you and everyone else...", she was pleading, which made me feel uncomfortable, angry, and sad... i didnt notice that tears were going down my face until i saw a tear stain on my graphic novel T-Shirt. My mom went to me and hugged me close and tightly as afraid i would just break. 

I pulled away quickly, im not really one to be there for when i need to or give comfort its always so awkward for me. I would only give it to...her...its hard enough to say or hear her name without crying. She was my best-friend and my only friend...I sometimes get angry at myself for not being there to stop it when it happen but you cant go back now. When i found out that she died. i never talked to anyone about, my mother sent me to therapy but i wouldnt talk, i could barely talk to my family about it what makes you think im going to talk to a complete STRANGER who is just going to tell my family about it... and thats the exact opposite on what i want to happen. 

I stared at my mother blankly before walking past her without another word and headed downstairs, i guess she knew she wasnt going to get anything put me for the rest of the night so she sighed in defeat and followed after me closing my bedroom door on the way out. As i walked down the spiral staircase and i reached the bottom and walked into the dinning room table, i saw the last person i wanted to see tonight. Niall Horan. 

He was wearing a black button up shirt with grey dress pants and black shoes. He looked handsome, his ocean-blue eyes stand out with his black shirt and his blonde hair stood out, giving him a more mature-yet-boy look. Overall he looked really handsome. I went to go sit across from him but my mother beat me to it so i had no choice but to sit next to him. It was really awkward, and to be honest, i didnt like him at all. I dont want anything to do with him but here he is sitting next to me inside my house, while his mother and my mother talk absent-mindedly about nothing. 

I didnt know why i didnt like him, i guess it happen during today in the hallway, when i was at my locker. We made eye-eye contact and when i was looking into his eyes i saw something, like he knew something i didnt know. I saw curiosity, intriguing, sympathy, and confusion. To be honest he really isn't good at hiding his emotions, for those ten seconds we looked into each others eyes i knew he was slowly finding out something, something i didnt want anybody to know about me, i thought i was good at hiding things but i guess Niall, saw right through me, and that is something i dont like.

As we sat in an awkward silence he tried to make conversation with me which i gladly ignored for the sake of the night and hopes that they would leave earlier. I didnt really eat any of my food since i wasnt really that hungry, but i could feel him staring at me through-out the whole dinner, which made me uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, but can you stop staring at me. Im trying to eat here.", i snapped at him, he seemed taken back by my sudden talking but quickly regained his previous expression.

"It doesn't look like your eating much."

"it doesn't look like your shutting up much.", i snapped back at him, he was really wearing my patience thin.

"I'm sorry.", he said with a little disappointment in his tone of voice.

And as if fate and the universe hated me my mother said the one thing I would rather step infront of a moving train than hear tonight.

"Marie, why don't you show Niall around the house, to make him feel more comfortable with the house.", my mother asked me. No...scratch that. TOLD ME. to show Niall around the house. and i could tell she wasn't going to take no for an answer when she called me by my middle name. Which i hated so much! Riley Marie Randell. Just the thought of it sends chills down my spine, not the pleasant once either.

"Mom, shouldn't you consider the fact that you are asking your teenage daughter to take another teenage boy. ALONE. And showing him around the house, and might i add TO MY BEDROOM as well, where we'll be alone...behind closed doors...with nobody watching us.", i tried to make it seem highly inappropriate for her so i don't have to be with Niall, i cant shake the feeling that he knows something i dont know. Or he's just going to find out something i don't want him to know...

"Marie, you are going to show Niall around the house and make him feel welcome here. And don't sass me Marie, i can still ground you.", at this point i could tell she was being serious, and i was going to lose at this point so i rolled my eyes and huffed in defeat, stood up and walked out the dinning room with Niall following shortly after.

This is going to be fun. (note my sarcasm)

I actually had fun with this chapter at the end...

What happen to her friend? What is she hiding? What ever shall we do? 


im probably just talking to myself...

>>> xxx

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