chapter 11

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Niall P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing again. I pushed the 'snooze' button mindlessly, not even bothering to check the time. I got up and walked into the bathroom.

I turned on the lights to see my reflection, my hair was messy and everywhere. My eyes still adjusting to the sudden light squinting a bit. I walked over to turn on the water waiting a bit for it to get a little warmer. I stripped of my boxers and jumped in the steamy water.

Once I was done taking a shower I grabbed the towel, dried my hair a bit. I wrapped the towel around my waist, grabbed some clean boxers and put them on.

Then, I put on my outfit of the day. A white T-shirt and some black skinny jeans with white shoes. I made my way back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, once done, I made my way downstairs I gave my mum a 'good-morning' and a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed my oatmeal and sat on a chair that was in front of the island. 

I checked my phone for any text-messages or missed calls. I set my phone next to my steamy oatmeal and began eating breakfast. I was almost done with my food when my phone beeped signaling a text message had arrived.

Louis: Harry is gonna come and pick you up today in his car...have to drop off the girls to school, sorry!

Niall: No worries mate, its fine!

Louis: See you at school :)

I smiled and set my phone back down and finished the remainder of my oatmeal and as if on cue Harry's car was waiting outside to take us both to school. I thanked my mum and walked out of the house.

"Hey, Harry!"

"Hey, Ni. Louis says he's sorry he couldn't take you to school today y'know with his little sister's n'stuff."

"It's okay! Geez! You guys are sometimes too nice and it scares me.", I laughed joking a bit. But, its true they are always apologizing for the little things but that's what makes them such a good couple and people.

"So how was dinner last night?"


"Dinner, Lou told me how this girl keeps on inviting you over for dinner at her house. Ronald, Ricky...something like that, are you sure its a girl?"

"First of all her name is RILEY. Second, yes, she does invite MUM and I for dinner.", I say as-a-matter-of-fact. He chuckles a bit before responding back to me.

"Oh yeah! I know Riley...well, her mum. She sometimes comes over with her to my house when we have events and stuff like that. She's really quiet, I know she goes to our school but she doesn't talk much. Strange girl now that I think of it."

"You know Riley?! Why didn't she tell me?", I say mostly to myself, "Have you talked to her at all?"

"Well, only once... But that was when she came over to my house because my mum had a little get-together with her co-workers and thought it would be a good idea for me to make some new friends. We didn't talk at all, the only time she even said a word to me was when she asked where the restroom was.", he said laughing a bit.

"Oh, yeah, I know she's pretty quiet and all. I have talked to her a bit though so I guess she's all that quiet. You should really try talking to her, she has a really good sense of humor and all that. I think Louis and you would really like her."

"That sounds nice Niall, you should invite her to hang out with us today. If you see her when we get to school tell her to come over, she seems really nice.", He said smiling to himself a little bit as if he's thinking something, probably Lou. We pull into the school parking lot and get out.

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