chapter 5

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Niall P.O.V.

I was actually very suprised with her sudden outburst against her mother. She always seemed so quiet but the way how she talked screamed something different. She seemed more confident at the same time shy, like she would almost regret the moment it came from mouth. 

The last thing i would expect to happen tonight was. One, ending up at Riley's house for a dinner. Two, trying to talk to her without comming off as pressuring and forcefully. Three, for her to be having a heated argument with her mother on giving me a tour of the house. Four, for her to be saying those kind of things about us in her bedroom, and to be honest they made me blush slightly with the thought of her lips on mine and those 'sparks' everyone claims they have when they have their first kiss an- OH MY GOD, WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THESE THINGS!! I DONT EVEN LIKE HER.. i guess its just the thought of it. 

And now i find myself staring of into space catching myself before i fall in to deep. I was cut-off of my deep-thought of the door shutting and closing behind me. I found myself outside, from what i assume to be the backyard. And might i add, WAS HUGE! i took in the sight in front of me, the backyard had grass spread out across for what seemed for miles, there was a jogging track, a couple of sheds here and there, couple of trees surrounding the boarder where im pretty sure was the woods at the other side of the thick trees, i look to my left and see a tennis court not to far away from where i stand, and to my right what looked like a soccer field with two nets on each side of the area, then a little basketball court. I wanted to ask why they seemed to have so much stuff and if they even used it at all because it seemed like it was just her and her mother.

"We mainly only use this space when we have guests over, or when my mother has some of her co-workers over for a get-together, the house gets really packed with older looking ladies with to much make-up and old men with suit-and-tie, it gets pretty annoying after awhile. Especially when you have to put up with it at such a young age.", Riley startled me, causing me to jump at the sudden conversation we were having.

"Oh...well, that must seem pretty nice, considering you have all this space to kill.", i said hoping to get something more, at least a glance at those haunting eyes and face that makes me burn and boil with curiosity, as to what she might be hiding.

She must have notice my concentration on her face as she turned to face me and glared at me. I looked at her back and this time i caught her eyes in mine, we stayed like that for a moment until her eyes darted towards the sliding door that entered another room. She gave me nod towards the door as to continue this tour of her house and i nodded.

She showed my the first floor which consisted mostly of closets, extra living-rooms, and the entrance to the backyard. We went to the second floor, we went up the spiral staircase and she showed me her mother's room, the many guest rooms she had, which she claimed that the other people that mostly stay overnight are the cleaning ladies and other workers that work to late and need a place to sleep. We went back downstairs and entered a room to what looked like a basement, we were about to close the door when i stopped and looked more deeper into the basement and saw another door hidden behind a curtain.

"What's behind that door over there?", i asked, she seemed pretty uncomfortable about this question due to the fact that she tensed up and closed the door automatically.

"It's just another laundry room.",Riley sounded more like she was trying to convince herself that instead of me which added more to my curiosity about her.

We finished our tour  of her house and headed back to the dinning room only to find both of our mothers talking over coffee at the little island they had. I don't think they noticed our presence in the room because they just kept on talking not acknowledging we were in the same room as them so Riley insisted we go to the family room to watch some T.V.  which i gladly accepted.

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