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Dear diary,

I'm sorry for leaving the last entry so abrupt. It's just that I found him and I was so relieved that I couldn't put everything in words. I couldn't possibly write exactly what I was feeling because all those emotions were so damn overwhelming and I was so shook up. What happened was this:

I had gone running to the treehouse, our treehouse, just after writing that entry, even though it was 3:00 am and I was dead tired. I had just got in my car and raced towards the place I had my best and worse memories in. I had just discarded all the bad memories and focused on getting there as fast as possible.

When I reached the place where the trees for the tiny forest began, I had realised just how long a time it had been since I had last been there. Despite everything, I had run through the trees to find the treehouse, just as it had been when I was a kid. An unintentional tear had slipped from my eye but I wiped it away quickly. I had to find him.

I had swiftly climbed up the familiar ladder and opened the door of the treehouse, only to find him curled up in a ball in a corner, shivering. I had rushed towards him and lifted his face up, only to see it stained with tears, the latter still streaming down from his chocolate-brown eyes.

It had hurt to see him like that, with sobs wracking his body and eyes so broken that my heart had just shattered. I had hugged him so tightly, only to find that he had a high fever. I had quickly supported him and got him to sit in my car where I had left the heater on before I had exited it.

I had also covered him in a spare blanket I found in the trunk of my car. He had eventually stopped shivering after I had bought him a cup of coffee which he drank till I reached my house. All the while we hadn't shared even one word to each other. He had offered none and neither had I. I had just helped him get to the spare bedroom in my house and had covered him with a blanket. While I had gone to make him some soup, he had just stayed in bed, without a word.

After he had eaten, I had just exited the room. It may have been insensitive of me to not listen to him, but I was hurt and exhausted. So, I had just gone to my room. After a while, I had gone to check on him, only to find that he was fast asleep and his fever was almost gone. This was a big relief.

This was all yesterday.

Wait, I hear some noise. Looks like he woke up. I got to go.

Yoo Ra


bonjour bitches

this is longer than usual be thankful.

ayways, "love?" reached more than 100 reads and comments! yay!! Thanks for the love fam.

Dedicated to moonbeanwoo and LovinJibooty for legit being the best people ever.

Love? ; kth [book 2] |✔Where stories live. Discover now