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Dear diary,

Taehyung asked me to be his girlfriend.

He asked me to be his girlfriend.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't scream my head off in my room. Thanks to that, my brother is constantly questioning my sanity. But can you blame me? The guy who I've been in love with for seven years finally asked me out.

Technically, we haven't gone on any dates, but I don't think it matters when it comes to us. Ever since he asked me out, I have been the happiest in my life and I think people notice. I can see my brother looking at me, smiling, when I'm talking to my boyfriend on the phone and laughing to the point of tears. I think it's both of us. I can see that sparkle in his eyes again and that rectangular smile of his seems much more genuine nowadays.

Sometimes, I find myself wondering,

is what I'm feeling really love?

But then I find myself thinking about those warm hazel eyes looking at me with the rectangular smile I love seeing so much and I ask myself,

"Do I want to live the rest of my life waking up to that face?"

And the answer always seems to be yes. So I let mind be clouded with thoughts of him every second of every day. I let myself melt into his hugs.  I let myself crave for his kisses. I let myself imagine that we could be happy together.

Yes, it scares me sometimes that I might lose him to someone better and I constantly have thoughts of me not being good enough for him but then I notice him looking at me from across the room with that sparkle in his eyes, when I'm talking to someone else and I realise, he thinks I'm perfect for him. And somehow, I stop doubting myself too. Maybe I am good enough. Maybe I don't need to doubt myself anymore.

I know not everything's going to be perfect. I know we have a long way to go. I know we are going to have our down moments. But nothing seems to matter, just as long as I have him by my side along the way.

So when he asks me whether or not I would like the prospect of us marrying each other some day in the future years, I find myself nodding with a smile on my face.


Yoo Ra


I give you permission to kill me. I deserve it.

There's only an epilogue left! :(
I'm ending it at that because I don't want it to drag too long! I have the perfect chapter planned! Good news is that the epilogue is going to be a proper chapter!!

I promise I'll update soon this time! I didn't have time because I was doing an internship which took up most of my time! But it ended so I'll update later!


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