He's Able

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Above all, all you can ask from him
According to, the power
That worketh in you
God is able to do just what he said he would do
He's gonna fullfill every promise to you
Don't give up on god, cause he won't give up on you
He's able

[Chorus: x2]God is able to do just what he said he would do
He's gonna fullfill every promise to you

Don't give up on god, cause he won't give up on you
He's able [x2]

[Leader:]Oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh

He's able

[Bridge: x3]Oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
He's able

[Vamp:]He's able

[Leader:]Don't give up on god [x2]
Anybody ever wanted to give up
Has anybody ever wanted to throw in the tile
Anybody know god to be able
Don't give up on god, cause he won't give up on you
He's able

[Ending:]Oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, he's able
He's able [til fade]


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