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Simon POV

I sigh heavily as I looked out the jet window, noting the blushes of violet and pink hiding the gold glaze of the sun. It is currently audition time for BGT and I thought it would be a great idea to fly to the auditions, companied with the judges and the famous Geordie duo of course. The flight attendant came around to our table, placing plates of food, that mostly consists ham and cheese, along with olives and crackers, right in front of us. Knowing David and Alesha, they took their plates and stacked the small components on top of each other, creating a mini 'sandwich'. 

"I think this year is gonna be better than last year" Amanda says, brushing a strand of hair back behind her ear. 

"I agree. This year, we definitely got big things org'nised like BGT havin' their own snapchat, bein' able to pos' backstage mo'ments and havin' Stephen preparin' games on BGMT" Ant piped up, smiling after a quick sip of his english breakfast. 

"Youse feelin' good bout your Golden Buzzers this year?" Asked Dec, popping a small slice of cheese into his mouth. 

"I have a feeling our golden buzzers will be much better this year" David honestly answered, hissing at the faint touch of his earl grey tea. Placing his cuppa down, he locked eyes with me and winked playfully. "But that'll mean me and Simon will be flirting more"

I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed, as the others held in a suppressed giggle. It'll be my 9th year on BGT, whereas Stephen, Amanda, Ant and Dec have been doing this for 11 years. Alesha and David came halfway though the show, meaning they have been here, together, for 6 years now. 

"You know what. I'm bored" Complained Alesha. "Let's play a cheeky game of truth or dare. Whose up for it?" Pleased with the majority of affirmed responses--  much to Simon's displeasure--Alesha placed the bottle on the table, spinning it nonchalantly only for the tip to point at Amanda. She groaned. 

"Truth or Dare Mandy?"  

"Dare" Amanda grinned. "I want this game to be interesting" 

"I dare you to take your clothes off, besides your undergarments, throughout the whole game" David says, giving me an alluring wink. Alesha couldn't help it, as she let out her signature laugh, forcing Ant and Dec to join her in the chorus of laughter. 

"You're lucky I don't give a crap about what I look like" Amanda noted, stripping off her top and pants. She took off her shoes as well, leaving her in her red bra and undies. 

"Damn Mandy" Giggled Alesha, making Amanda punch her hard on the arm. "Spin the bottle again" I reached the tip of the bottle, spinning it as fast as I can. After a few more spins, it stopped, prompting me to glance up at the person it landed on. David. 

"Oh God!" I complained, hiding my face behind my hands. Please don't choose dare. Please don't choose dare. Ple-

"Truth or dare, David?" Ant interrogated, portraying a cheeky beam. Oh Go-

"Let's go with truth" Shrugged David, not afraid to reveal a bit about himself. OH-

"Thank the Lord!" I sighed, quickly shutting down as I realised what just happened. David looked at me weirdly by which I quickly deflected by throwing in a random question. "Anyways, why do you seem fine with answering a truth?" I rapidly fired, evoking others to settle their gaze back at David who shrugged again. Letting out an internal sigh of relief, he answered. 

"I'm an open book, Simon. You know that better than anyone else" 

We gave each other a look, but didn't say anything because... what's there to say? It's true. David is a comedian. He's used to risk so what's the point of choosing dare when he's been doing that his whole life? Giving in to the sweet desire of risk-taking only for it to go his way. Never been a bad thing for him. 

I'll admit, it did take awhile for us to think of something. I know it's something that he is probably asked about everyday, but this is truth or dare. Maybe his answer had changed, who knows? I then spoke. 

"Are you actually gay, David?" I calmly presented, receiving a raised brow from David. 

"I wouldn't really say that I'm gay-" dragged David, who was quick to interrupt me as I opened my mouth. "-But I just had a lot of gay experiences growing up as a child. Also, I'm not really keen on the idea of 'revealing' my sexuality because it is something that is fluid. It changes over time. I guess, the answer to your question is that I'm just really camp. Always have been." Everyone besides me was content with his answer. Before any of them could continue, I decided to push it a bit further. 

"But you would be in a relationship with a man, am I correct?" Ignoring his puzzled expression, he already had an answer. "I mean, I guess so..."

"Then that means you are gay"

"It's pretty evident to see that YOU" --David sassily pointed at me-- "don't know what the difference is between being camp and gay is. If you want, I can give you a demonstration" Before I could process what was going on, David got up from his seat and sat on my lap, caressing my beard with his callous hand. Leaning back a bit, David bit his lip and gave me a seductive wink by which he used his unoccupied hand to comb through my flat hair. "Simon~" 

I groaned internally. This can not be happening. Disrupting my sudden thoughts, he grabbed ahold of my attention as he spoke up. 

"That's me. I'm camp. If you want gay, this is gay" Next minute you know, David crashed his lips against mine for about 3 seconds, only to trail his tongue along my cheek, nipping my earlobe along the way. He pulled away with a smile, sitting back on his chair that was across from me. He kissed me. He actually kissed me. HE KIS-

I took a quick glance at the others around me, who were both appalled or amused at the quick turn of events. I hid away in embarrassment. Embarrassment?

"W-well, that was interesting" Ant stuttered, wiping the tears that were threatening to fall. 

I still couldn't believe it. I was still, trying my best to delete the moment from replaying in my mind. 

I can't do this. 

"I'm going to use this loo" I choked, internally slapping myself for having such a light complexion. There's no way in heck they are taking no notice of my burning cheeks. 

"Wait Simon, are you okay?" David asked softly, his eyes showing a faint sign of guilt and concern. I felt my heart beat up to the bottom of my throat as I nodded, leaving the room as quick as I could to avoid any more questions. I heard Dec muttered out of style as I disappeared behind the door.  

"Well this is awkward" 


Hello! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 


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