David's Dare

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Amanda POV

The draft finally hit me, as I tried to embrace myself into a warmer position. Bloody David dared me to take off my clothes and look at me. I have red undergarments on, accompanied with the goosebumps popping up onto my skin. 

"Simon is takin' an awfully long time to chuck'a poo" Ant says, making Dec and Alesha laugh loudly at his retort. 

"Chuck a poo? Really, Anth?" David complained, rolling his eyes at the two cheeky Geordies. "And here we are wondering how you guys got the OBE's"  

"Ay'e! It wasn't our faul't that youse didn't get reco'gnised for the charity work!" Dec shot back, sticking out his tongue in a cheeky matter. "Plus, I feel like he ain't 'chuckin' a poo'... I think he's embarrassed" 

Alesha and I gazed at each other uncomfortably, as I knew deep down inside, Dec was right. Simon never normally behaves like that. If something like that happens, he usually blasts at them or turns completely scarlet red and still, silently. 

"I'll be back..." I say, getting up from the chair. 

"Where you going? We haven't even finished our game yet" David questions, spinning the bottle again. 

"I'm checking up on Simon... making sure he's okay" I say, leaving the room in a comprehensive inaudible matter. I slide the door closed, making sure they weren't planning to spy on us. I kept ambling forward, only to stop next to a wooden door. As I expected, the metal knob wasn't accessible, due to the lock preventing the open. That's when I decided to knock softly. 

"Simon...? Are you okay?" I called out, gently pushing my ear against the door. 

"Go away" Simon says, ignoring everything I was saying. I kept calling his name but he wouldn't budge. I was going to give up, when I saw one of the flight attendants walk pass. 

"Um... Hello? May I have the keys to the bathroom please, madam?" 

"Sure thing Amanda" The flight Attendant spoke. She fished out her keys in her pockets, only to pull out a silver key. "Here you go, darling"

"Thanks!" I huffed out. I pushed the key into the lock, only to push it open quickly. Simon was vermillion red in the face and was weeping softly, muttering to himself unintelligent retorts, only he, himself, can hear. "S-simon...?"

"M-mandy... I SAID GO AWAY!" He shouted, punching the mirror violently. 

"Simon! Stop it! Give me your hand..." I commanded, walking to Simon gradually. He didn't even look at me at all, hiding his bleeding hand away from my sight. "Simon I know you're bleeding... give it to me" I pulled his gory hand in sight, only to gasp at the view. His knuckles were slightly crooked and there were bits of glass stuck in his cuts. I focused my gaze at the cracked mirror then Simon's hand. 

"Let me fix you up" I found a first aid kit onto top of the cabinet, only to reach out for it. I got the bag and placed it next to him. "Sit down Simon" 

I closed the toilet seat down, and made Simon take a seat. I took some tweezers out and decided to take out the shards of vitrics. I took out each one, making sure he was okay. I looked up at him and saw the tears that were threatening to come down. He bit his lip hard, making sure no sound came out of him. I sigh heavily, as I kept doing the same process, only for the shards to be no more. 

"Come Simon" I ran warm water with the taps, making sure it wasn't too hot nor cold. I took caution with his hand, as I placed it under the running water, only to hear a loud hiss come from him. I got a towel and held his hand a bit tightly, making sure the blood wasn't as heavy. After that, I grabbed onto an infection cream and smeared a smudge onto the cuts. Thats when I decided to put a bandage on and place it around his hand. Followed by the bandage was the gauze, of course, where I wrapped it tightly around his hand, making sure it was firmly gripped. 

"Better?" I say, kissing his hand tenderly. 

"Thank you Mandy" Simon whispered, failing to hide his small smile. 

"Lets go to the others..." We both walked out of the bathroom, closing the door shut. The same flight attendant I saw was talking to someone on the plane, when Simon called out for the assistant. 

"Florence. Can you please fix up the mirror in the bathroom with the Daniel? And also, thank you for the keys" He says, tossing the keys to Florence, who caught it successfully. 

"Sure thing, Mr Cowell. I'll get it fix up no time" 

"Please. Call me Simon. You've done good" Simon smiled, only for Florence to squeal in delight. That's when we both kept walking, sliding the door open at our destination. I opened the door, only to see all of them wearing their undergarments. Alesha had black undergarments on, which fitted her body perfectly. Ant had patriotic boxers on, along with Dec who had dark grey bonds on. Lastly, there was David, who had his light grey upside down y fronts. 

"It was David's dare..." They muttered, only for David to snuck out a slight smile. 

"Oh David" I murmured, only for everyone to interrupt into fits of giggles. "Let's keep playing"


Hope you all enjoyed and sorry for the long update. Love you all and REMEMBER...


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