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Shout out to ChloeSOrandom


Amanda POV

I knew it. I bloody knew it. 

"How long has this been going for?" I say excitedly, slapping his arm as if it was his first time. I mean, I'm pretty sure this is his first gay crush... or maybe just crush in general. The girls he dated were blinded by his usual flirting and fake flattering. Simon had those girls hanging like puppets. He controlled the strings, they do what he wants them to do.

"It just happened, okay? I hate this feeling so much. What is it that I'm feeling?" Simon begged, making me look into his teary eyes. 

"Love?" I answered, confused at the state he was in. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure he's fine with it"

"You don't understand, Mandy. This is David we're talking about." He stammered, not knowing what to say. "Yes. I may not understand what you're going through but I could help you. You need moral support, Simon" 

"But how about the oth-" "Who cares about the others" I interrupted angrily, diverting Simon's attention from Ant and Dec. "Yes. Alesha may be pissed off with you and Ant n Dec will think you're weird but how about David? Honestly, I think David likes you" 

"Just because he flirts with me and make smutty comments 24/7 doesn't mean he likes me..." Simon drifted off, feeling a bit hurt at the idea of David not even having a liking in him. 

"Well lets see, shall we? Let's go" I commanded, getting up from the booth. As I got up, Simon just sat there and looked at the newspaper in silent. He had a quivering lip and his eyes were glossy from the tears that were showing. "Bloody hell, Simon. Just get up" I pulled him up and forced him to walk to the elevator. 

"Nice going arse!" This man yelled from his table. 

"Shut the hell up! At least he has a lover!" I shouted back, shutting the man up straight away. 

"Thanks Amanda..." Simon whispered, displaying a small smile. "Oh shut up..." I joked, pushing him into the elevator. 

Alesha POV

I opened the door slightly, to reveal a sleeping David on the bed. His face was in the pillows and his shoes were still on. 

"Come on David... wake up" I say, closing the door behind me. 

"Go away, Alesha" He retorts, pulling another pillow over his head. "I just want to be alone"

"David. I'm not leaving. He probably didn't mean it" I lied, making David show his face. There were tears staining his blushed cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot. 

"Didn't mean it? Are you serious?! Alesha, you're amazing. I know that. But did you really have to lie to me like that?" David raged, exposing me from my lying self. I shrugged my shoulders slightly, embarrassed at the fact that he knew I was lying. He sat up properly, hugging his pillow tightly. "Do you really think I go for young women, Alesha? Be honest" David says, shyly. 

I was a bit stunned at his question but if he wants an honest answer, I'll give it to him. "Urm... yes, David. The people you have dated are like young, blonde, busty and... well models, in general. I know you fall in love with the soul and heart of the person, but from our perspectives, it seems as if you fall in love with people who have the looks" I confessed, hoping he wasn't going to take it hard on himself. 

"And thats why I fell in love with Simon..." David whispered, hoping I didn't hear was he just said. Hard luck David. 

"You're in love with Simon?!" I yelled in surprise, feeling my heart explode like fireworks. 

"Yeah. It's an on and off thing but he still makes me feel giddy" David chuckled nervously, rubbing his back head awkwardly. 

"I knew it!" I squealed, jumping on his bed in excitement. "You should tell him!" 

"No. I can't. He won't talk to me ever again!" David argued, feeling his face go hot. "We won't be friends anymore!" I shook my head in annoyance, making David face that facts. 

"You guys are not even talking anyways, you idiot" I say, rolling my eyes at the shy man. Honestly, I found it cute that he's now a timid mumbling idiot. 

Knock Knock

David and I focused our individual glance on each other, making me get up from the bed and open the door. 

David POV

As Alesha opened the door, she grinned broadly, giving me an evil look. "Well hello there, Amanda and Simon!" 

Simon? Oh no. She can't do this to me. I gave Alesha a pleading look, begging her to stay with me. She rolled her eyes at me, again, as she let in Simon and Amanda. Amanda gave me a sweet yet weak smile, where Simon looked straight pass me. "We shall sit on the bed right?" Alesha asked, which was a cue for me to speak up. 

"I think it'll be better to sit over there, where the sofas are" I obliged, standing up from the bed. Simon and Amanda ambled in front of us to the sofas, where Alesha was already there. 

You're so gotta get it,  I mouthed at Alesha, who gave me the stink eye as a response. We all sat down, with Alesha sitting next to me and the other two sitting across from us. 

"So... Simon would like to say something" Amanda says, nudging Simon hard with her elbow. "Isn't that right, Simon?" I looked at Simon, who I could see had a few red lines in his eyes. It was still a bit shiny and his cheeks were showing off a shade of pink. Was he crying?

"I'm... sorry. For everything. I should've just minded my own business when you were flirting with that bit- I mean, waitress" He stuttered, hiding his blush away from Alesha and I. 

"I'm sorry for being an arse, too. I mean, yeah you started it but I should've not said those things" I simpered lightly, receiving a smile back. "So you're gonna still call me Mr Cowell?" 

"I think Simon suits better" I say, biting my lip nervously. Hopefully, I wasn't too sappy. 

"Well... since you two apologised, you should talk to each other. One on one. Alone" Alesha murmured, pulling Amanda away from the group. "Bye!" 

"Wait Ale-" 

"Mandy, what ar-" 


They closed the door shut, making my stomach do flips. I gave Simon a hasty look, who was avoiding my gaze. 

"Simon, can we just go back to how we were before?" I asked bashfully, fiddling along with my fingers. Simon stayed quiet as he peered at me, but I saw a glimpse of hope glimmering in his eyes. 

"Of course we can, but I'm afraid it'll be a bit awkward" He admitted, scratching his head slowly. 

"What do you mean?" I question, feeling hurt as I felt my heart hammer through my chest. 

"I want to tell you something..." Simon says, getting up from his seat and sitting on the same couch as me. "I really like you" 

That's when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I pulled his head in towards mine, giving him a passionate kiss. My hands cupped his face gently, as I moved my lips slowly. He was still frozen at my move, making me feel nervous. Did I go too far? Was it the right moment? 

Regret was finally sinking in when he finally kissed me back. Our lips were moving in synch, making me pull away from his lips, resting my forehead against his. He was smiling and his eyes were closed tightly, as I pecked him on the nose. 

"I really like you too" 


Hope yall enjoy this story! So, yeah. Long time for me to update so I'm sorry. I'm busy and well... school and sports is taking over life now. If you want anything, ask me in the comment section. 

Sorry if it sounds rushed. I wanted to update quickly! Love you all and remember... 


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