Good Night

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Third POV

David and Alesha were still sitting on the comfortable couch, talking about the upcoming events that were unveiling themselves later in the year. 

"My book is coming out soon and I have to make a few visits with the children schools" David says, whilst smiling, fiddling along with his thumbs. 

"That's adorable" Teased Alesha, bringing out a cheeky grin. "But it's a good thing that you visit children schools, and answer their questions about your books" 

"It is. Sometimes, kids needs to pick up a book and give it a go. In school, you're always assessed to read a book and it's relevantly boring. That's why I like a bit of a mystery and scary element in my books, just to engage the readers" Alesha nodded her head in response, only to push a light strand of hair off her face, behind her ear. 

"You know, David. I'm actually thinking of writing a children's book about a girl hero... do you have any advice for me?" Alesha asked timidly, hoping David wasn't going to make fun of her or laugh at her attempt of even making a story. 

"It's hard. If you have a 'muse' for your books, I guess you can. Just write something that you think might entertain you, if you're a young kid. I always put myself in the position of a kids perspective" 

"That's... actually makes sense. Thanks David" Simpered Alesha, pecking David on the cheek. "We should go back. They might be thinking we're banging each other in the bathroom or something" We both laughed at my remark, as I held David's hand, to drag him to the room. 


Amanda was fidgeting with a pen, where Ant and Dec were having a deep conversation with Simon. Simon felt his heart strings tugging a bit, because he knew, too well, that this was his fault. Maybe if he let off the gay mocking a bit, none of this would've happen, leading it to a continuos game of Truth or Dare. 

That's when the door slid open to reveal a flustered David and Alesha. Amanda cocked an eyebrow at them, as Alesha heaved David to his chair, muttering a few profanity words under her breath. 

"Took a'while" Ant cheekily says, holding in a giggle. 

"Trust me. We didn't do anything back there. We just had a talk about some stuff and then played around with my phone" Alesha corrected, shrugging her shoulders, as if it wasn't a big deal. 

"I know. I got em. You posted a lot of selfies with David" Amanda says, drifting off at the end of the sentence. "I screenshot like all of them" They all sat to their usual spot, only for the conversations to meander around the atmosphere. David and Simon were quiet, avoiding each other's glance if possible. After a few hours, all of them were dead asleep, with Ant and Dec leaning on each other's shoulder. David had Alesha next to him, where Amanda was deep in slumber next to Simon. 

"Get ready to pack up, BGT Judges. We are here in Blackpool" The announcement echoed, causing Ant to wake up from his doze. 

"Come on Dec... we're here" The slightly taller Geordie mumbled, making the little one groan in response. 


Simon POV

I felt myself boring into David's mind, as if I was trying to figure out what was going on in his head. We were already out in the dark, pulling our suitcases behind us. We all had our clothes on, thank the Lord, and we were making an entrance inside the airport. All of us were instantly enveloped with the mob of flashing cameras, and the calling of our names, individually. A few fans were screaming for us, but I chose to ignore them. I'm not usually like this, ignoring fans and shunning the screaming voices of my name, but I wasn't in a pleasant mood. 

We all managed to go through the crowd (some of us stopped for the fans and cameras), only to enter the black mitsubishi, parked outside, with the driver holding a sign. BGT JUDGES

We all laid back into the seats, admiring the warmth of the cushy chairs. It was about 4am and we all wanted to lie down in a comfy bed. The driver drove us to a hotel, near the auditorium, getting an assistant to carry out our luggages. 

"See you guys in a few hours" 

"Have a nice sleep"

"Have a good one" 

"Be ready for today, later on" 

I opened the door gently, as we said our goodnights (even though it was dawn), causing me to collapse in a sloppy matter on the bed, muttering out a few z's in my pillow. 


Sorry for the long update guys. I have an exam coming up and I might not update in awhile. Sorry!

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