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Please read the A/N at the end friends


Alesha POV

"What are they saying?" 

Amanda was behind me, where I had my ear pressed against the door. I heard Simon mumble something to David, followed by a short period of silence. 

"I-i think..." I stuttered, my stomach starting to churn in suspense. "Simon said that I feel you too?" 

"Wait what?" Amanda says, bemused, pushing me out of the way. She compressed her ear gently onto the wooden surface, only to hear David mumble something back, displaying a shocked expression. "No you weirdo! They said I really like you too!" I widened my eyes at Amanda, as we both burst into the room. Simon was sitting on David's lap, gripping onto the sides of his face harshly, roughly kissing his lips hungrily. David had his hands in Simon's hair, pulling it back for a bit of an easier angle. 

"God David..." Simon moaned. 

"YES!" Amanda squealed excitedly, jumping up and down in joy. They pulled away from each other quickly, whilst she was holding onto my arm, making me grin at her broadly. "Finally! See? It wasn't that hard to confess, wasn't it?" Amanda yelled delightfully at Simon, who was hiding his crimson face besides David's. 

"Okay, I think they need a talk with us before things get way out of hand" I teased, making David blush brightly. "Whatever Alesha... j-just ask us some question" David says, embarrassed. 

"Okay. So first off, what the hell happened when we left in the room? I want every detail!" I commanded boldly. 

"Yes! Every detail!" Amanda echoed. David and Simon gazed at each other carefully, as Simon decided to get off David and sit on the table between the two sofas.

"Simon just said how he really liked me, so then I decided to kiss him. I replied back with the same lines and well, it got heated" David confessed, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed. I felt an outburst of joy when David told us truth, making me run up to him and jump on his side. He fell with an "oomph" onto the couch, flat on his back, making me wrap my arms around his neck and squeal in delight. I pecked him on the cheek, as I sat up straight, making David groan from my weight. 

"So... how about if we go out an- OUCH!" Out of the blue, Amanda also jumped Simon, who managed to knock him onto the floor. She was kissing his neck multiple of times, chuckling euphorically at the result. "Glad you confessed your feeling Si" Amanda teased playfully. 

David POV

"We better go back to Ant and Dec, Mandy" Alesha says, as she got off my lap. I groan in response, as I felt a relief of her weight of my body, assisting my breathing to steady. "What the heck happened to you?" 

"You're heavy!" I complained in response, earning a fake gasp from her. 

"Heavy? How rude!" Alesha cried, pretending to be hurt from my retort. "Anyways, we'll be going now. Just to leave you two alone" I felt my heart tighten, as Alesha got off of me, only for it to relax after she kissed my cheek again. "Good job" She smiled contently. She did the same to Simon, only to lead Amanda out of the room in silence. 

I glanced up to Simon, who was giving me a cute smile. God, he's amazing. 

"What do you want to do now?" I asked shyly, with a bit of regret and desperation hidden behind my voice. 

"Anything..." Simon hushed quietly, leaning down to my height. I felt my legs tremble, as he grazed his bottom lip along my jawline. He nipped at various of spots, which I silently moaned to. "S-simon... w-wait" I whimpered lightly, as he pushed me back onto the couch, filling my ears with his husky, thick voice. 

"Tell me when to stop, then I will stop. Otherwise, I'm in charge here" He growled, causing my face to turn bright of cerise. 

He took off his shirt slowly, revealing his bare body to me. His jeans were already off, leaving him in his white, bonds underwear. As he went to take off mine, I felt hesitation take over, gripping his hands and pushing them away from my shirt. Simon stopped his peppering of kisses all over my face, pulling away from me slowly. His expression was hurt, making me feel the punches of guilt in my stomach. 

"What's wrong, David?" He asked, breathing a bit raggedly from this session. I shook my head in response, looking to the side to avoid his gaze. "David look at me" He commanded softly. I was still ignoring him, as he made me get up straight, lifting my chin gently towards his. "Are you not ready?" 

"I-i am ready, i-it's just that... I don't know" I mumble, feeling hot tears blind my eyes. I kept a secret from everyone, besides Alesha, with my past. Everyone knows about my history of dating and issues but I didn't reveal everything. It was hard to talk about and I had always kept it in this little diary years ago. I was in love with this girl about 8 years ago and she found my journal, only to break up with me, due to my issue of being 'mentally retarded'. 

"If we're rushing, I'm sorry" Simon apologised, caressing the side of my face tenderly. He planted a lenient kiss on my forehead, getting up from his position to put his clothes on. 

"What are you doing now?" I enquired, rubbing my arm to push away the awkwardness that was sinking in. 

"I'm going out to the cafe. I want to apologise to them about what I did. You should come down too, or maybe you can just have a break. Up to you" Simon murmured, putting on his shoes. 

"I think I should apologise to them" I smiled, giving Simon a small kiss on the top of his head. Simon was grinning widely, ambling himself to the hotel door. I was throwing my shoes on quickly, looking around to see if I was missing anything. "Okay, we can go now!" I ran to the door, companied with Simon, who was simpering vividly. 

"Love you..." I admitted, timidly, biting my lip in response. He chuckled in response, giving my shaky hand a kiss. 

"Love you too" 



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Here is his bit lip xD


Hello! Hope you guys enjoyed! The plot is EVERYWHERE for me and I have no idea what I am writing about anymore. Ahhhhh! Sorry about the long update. I didn't know whether to write this version or another one I had in mind. Annoyed At The Moment.


Plus, remember when in the BGT semi finals of the Judges talk, Alesha revealed that she was writing a book about a superhero girl? And then David gave her advice? That's like the scenario I wrote about in the first few chapters (chapter 4?) of this book! Hahaha! xD

Love you all and remember!


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