(Part 1) Inappropriate?

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Alesha POV

We are on our way to the BGT studios but I have been split up with Simon and David, rather than Amanda, who is with the Geordies. Amanda has been pretty quiet around me, especially when it's just me and her alone. I don't know whether if I have done something wrong or if I missed out something, but she has been acting strange. 

"When should we come out as a couple? I know the relationship happened a few hours ago but the public will be finding out soon. Should we do it today or later on?" Simon questioned, scrolling through the emails stored in his phone. 

"You don't have to do it today. I think it'll be better if the public didn't know" I answered, receiving a hum of agreement from David. 

"True. The paparazzi and fans are scavengers. They'll probably blow us up on social media like last time" David muttered, sighing at the ding of the phone notifications. That was the ninth time his phone vibrated with a new, bright notification, and it was starting to agitate me. 

"David, can you please put your phone on silent? It's a bit irritating" I say sternly, rolling my eyes at the frustrated comedian. We're both used to each others nonsense, always at each others throat but we'll always be the best of friends. I like sitting next to him, always having a joke around, either a personal one or about the contestants. 

"Sorry, someone keeps on texting me. Don't know the number but its probably someone I know. They probably got a new phone" David apologised, finding his way back to the phone. He quickly swiped right, trying his hardest to ignore the flashing of the screen on his phone. I knew that face. He always does that face whenever it comes to situations like this. He's lying to me. 

David POV

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Lara keeps on texting me and honestly, I don't know why she still has my contact number

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Lara keeps on texting me and honestly, I don't know why she still has my contact number. We broke up a few years ago and everyone thought it was because she didn't like my camp persona, which is true but let me just say there's more to the reason. Ever since that day she broke up with me, she took my son away from me and my dog, Bert, too. Luckily during trials, they let me have custody over Bert, making me the rightful owner of him. The house may seem empty at times but Bert will always be the one filling up the silence of the vacant house. 

"You alright?" Simon says, putting his hand on my knee. I nodded my head in response, feeling the heat rise up to my cheeks. Ever since he stood up for me from Lauren, I felt an awkward and ill feeling in my stomach, also known as being sickly in love. Simon is a very noble guy, and he stands up for people he likes. This small touch made me stiff a bit, making my heart beat faster than before. Fortunately, Alesha interrupted the embarrassing moment with her scream of excitement. 

"We're here!" Alesha squealed, making me smile in relief at the sight of the euphoric crowd. 


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