Not Embarrassing

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Third POV

Amanda went and sat next to Alesha, where Simon went to sit on the same seat before. Everyone around him were were half naked and he felt a bit uncomfortable with seeing his fellow judges in their under garments. 

"Truth or Dare?" David asked. Simon glanced up from his hands and saw the tip of the bottle pointing at him. 

"T-truth" Knowing David, if he picked Dare, he would've told me to take of his clothes. 

"What happened to your hand?" David asked softly. Everyone stopped talking a bit, when they focused their gaze on him. Amanda caught his eye, as she made a small face, mouthing to him to fib. 

"As I was washing my hands, I saw something on the mirror that scared me so I... punched it" Simon lied, receiving a ridiculous scoff from him. 


"Yep... punch" Simon knew David didn't buy it but everyone else felt a bit queasy with the thick tension wafting in the air. 

"So... you saw something and then you punched it, causing your hand to look like that? " David says, spitting the last word as if it was venom. 

"Yes, David. Now spin the bottle again" Simon say impatiently, making Dec spin the bottle. The bottle went around a few times, only to land on David. 

"Truth or Dare, David?" Alesha says, trying to get rid of the substandard atmosphere surrounding us. 

"Dare" That's when a glimpse of evil struck through his mind. Dare... 

"I dare you to do triple dare" Simon says, letting out a small wicked smile. "And one dare is for you tell the media you're gay" That's when Ant and Dec chimed in. 

"Umm... Simon? Are you sur--"

"Stop making smutty comments about me"

"Simon. That's enou--" 

"And to stop calling me Si or anything. Just Simon or better... Mr Cowell" 

Alesha and Ant gave each other a peculiar glance, whilst Dec let out a little cough. Amanda shook her head, annoyed, as Simon puts his gaze back at David. David was silent. His warm, mahogany orbs was lost in his own little world. It lost its spark. "Fine... Mr Cowell" David spat spitefully, boring his stare right through me. He wouldn't do it... will he?

David took out his phone and opened up Twitter. He was lost in thought for a second, only to type some sort of message on the screen. After a few pushes and deletes, David stayed still for a bit. His eyes penetrated though the bright screen, as if he was waiting for someone to say something. 

"David you know I was joking... of course, I wouldn't let you do that" Simon says, feeling the awkwardness numbing the course of his self esteem. 

"Yeah because everything to you is a joke..." He commented, pressing the home button on his phone. He shut the device off and placed it onto the table between us. 

"For the love of Jesus Christ, can you two stop fighting with each other all the time?!" Alesha scolded, pointing directly at David and Simon. "I know we're all a dysfunctional family but you two need to grow up sometimes. You need to stop making gay jokes, Simon, and using it against David!" 

"Me?! GAY JOKES?! He's the one who acts like a bum boy in front of the camera!"

"Simon!" Dec gasped in disbelief, shaking his head at him. 

"Why am I the bad one, here? You hear the media... Viewers backlash David Walliams as he makes fun of homosexuality. " Simon argued, feeling his insides boil at the sight of all of them standing up for David. 

"I. am. not. gay. Simon." David sternly said, feeling his tears threatening to fall down. "I am a camp man. You need to stop assuming things that are not true and use it against me. I hate it when you do that to me. I tell you to stop but you never do!" 


"No! I don't care what you say to me anymore, Mr Cowell. BUT in auditions, I will be that camp guy they see on telly. Behind the camera, I want you to stay away from me" 

David went up to go for a cool down, so he exited out of the room, vexed. Alesha got up after him, only to shoot Simon a look after David left the room. 

"You couldn't just let it go, would you?" Alesha snapped, closing the door behind her. 

David POV 

I fast paced myself to the end of the hallway, turning right. Another room was here and I assumed it was the attendants break room. I opened the door and collapsed on the chair nearest to me, trying to fight off the pang of guilt stabbing though my body. I covered my face desperately, as I let out my feelings. I couldn't do it anymore. The viewers of BGT always scavenge me alive, breaking me apart with my 'fake gay act'. A fans of mine turned on me and some of my friends are starting to avoid me a bit. Am I that embarrassing to be with?

"No of course not..." Someone whispers softly throughout the empty, illuminated room. Alesha entered the room silently, taking a seat next to me. "You're not embarrassing to be with" 

Did I really say my thoughts out loud? I ignored Alesha, as she took her place, taking my hand and giving it a little squeeze. "Don't be embarrassed with who you are, David. Who cares what the others think. Just do what you have to do" Alesha simpered at me lightly, only to pull me in for a hug. I hesitated for a bit but wrapped my arms around her. I never really liked my barrier being broken down but Alesha's hug felt right for me. It was as if... she was rebuilding my own self again. 

"We can stay here a bit and wait for them to chill down" Alesha planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, making me smile gratefully. 

"Thank you Alesha" I say, letting her lean on my shoulder.

"No worries" That's when she gaped down, pulling away quickly from my shoulder.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked, feeling a bit hurt at her reaction. 

 "I feel a bit weird now because I just realised we're both half naked" 

I guffawed out a hearty laugh, only for Alesha to join in with her famous cackle. We both finally calmed down a bit after awhile, making Alesha lean her head on my shoulder again. I grinned brightly at her, as she took out her phone, opening up the app, snapchat. Half an hour just passed by as the time taken were filled with the enjoyable take of posing riotous images of Alesha and I. 


Hope y'all enjoyed the story! Love you all! 


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