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David POV

I exited out the bathroom, with my hair dripping wet and my towel wrapped around my waist tightly. Already, there was a grey long sleeve t-shirt, my underpants, black socks,  and long warm pants placed on Simon's bed. Along with my clothes, there was a little note. I picked up the note and read it a bit loudly to myself. 

I got some clothes for you when you were in the shower... Go change and sort your stuff out. I'll be downstairs at that cafe place. Join me and the others when you're done ~Simon

I scoffed at the small note, as I threw it back on the bed, ignoring the tingling feeling in my stomach. I got dressed in a slow manner, thinking about the incident that happened a few hours ago, only to put on my sport shoes he provided for me. I dried my hair as fast as I could, going into the bathroom again to style my hair. I did the usual quiff of my hair, applying a bit of gel to it. Finally, I got out of Simon's room, with the note in my pocket, walking to the elevator down the hall. I got into the moving box, and pressed level 3, which took me straight to the cafe. The doors slid open, revealing a large room with the smell of strong coffee beans, toasted sandwiches and melted butter. I smiled widely, as I saw the gang at the booth in the corner, laughing at a joke one of them shared. Alesha caught me and gestured me to sit next to her. 

"Morning David. How are you?" Alesha asked, passing me the menu from the middle. 

"Morning to you as well. I'm okay. A little bit tired but fine" I simpered, focusing on the breakfast column. Simon was sitting across from me and I could feel his eyes searing right through me. I sighed a little as I decided to ignore him, receiving a cheery morning from Amanda and the two Geordies. 

"How are youse, David?" Dec asked, after hissing at the touch of his hot chocolate. He had pink and white marshmallow floating on top of the hot chocolate, along with a sprinkle of cocoa powder on top. 

"Like I said. Tired but fine" 

Amanda called for the waitress to come over to the table, so I could do my order. 

"Can I please have the Egg Benedict meal with early grey tea please?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the menu. I wanted to avoid Simon's glare and the menu seems to be my only solution. 

"Would you like anything else?" She inquired, prompting me to glance up from the menu. It was a very beautiful girl with her brunette hair up in a bun. She had a pen nestled nicely in the nest of her bun, strands of hair running down the side of her face . Her perfume was the scent of sweet flowers and burnt butter. She tugged the corners of her mouth into a small smile, provoking me to grin broadly. 

"Maybe your number would be fine?" I flirted, making everyone (except Simon) cheer in response. 

"Ohhhhh! You go, David!" 

"Oh damn! Ahaha!" 

"Woot woot!" 

"Give him the number!" 

I bit my lip nervously, as the girl brushed her hair back, revealing a cheeky grin. 

"That could be something... you know, there are other payments for your meal" She winked, making Alesha giggle uncontrollably. 

"How about you go and find someone whose your age?" I snapped out of trance, as I glared at Simon, who had his arms crossed and an annoyed expression displayed on his face. 

"You're a waitress. Not a prostitute. He should find someone whose his age. Hurry up and go get the food" Simon says sternly, making the waitress blush and go to the kitchen. That's when I lost it. 

"What is wrong with you?!" I hushed quite loudly, people around the table starting to take interest in the group. Simon looked around as his eyes widen, refusing to take notice the feeling of embarrassment with having to deal with peoples attention. As he whipped around to face David, he couldn't help but argue back instinctually. 

"I- Are you serious?" Simon questioned, laughing madly to himself. "Why are you always dating women younger than you? Maybe you should stop being a creep and date people around your age!" Before Simon could register what he had said, I scooted out of his seat only to have my last say in. 

"Screw you" I hissed, hot tears beginning to my eyes. I ran out of the cafe into the elevator, quickly pressing level 5. 

No way am I going to cry over this. 

As the doors slid open, I hastily walked to the end of hall, into my room and sob endlessly into the pillows on my bed. Why does Simon hate me?

Simon POV

"I'm checking David and YOU-" Alesha then pointed at me. "-NEED to calm down" Alesha states boldly, leaving the rest of the gang to the elevator. 

"Me and Decky will be by tha' count'r ov'r ther'... we'll be righ' back" Ant says quickly, dragging Dec away from his hot chocolate to the counter top. That left Amanda and I on the table. I took a quick peek at Amanda, who I could see was frustrated. Her hands were trembling slightly and I could just make out the small shakes from her head. 

"What was that?" She asked plainly, staring at the top of her coffee. 

"I- Amanda, I don't know" I answered truthfully. I genuinely didn't mean anything. I mean, I know we've been trying to find a partner for David for awhile but for some reason, it just seemed wrong for someone to even be in a relationship with him. It didn't settle right with me. 

"Something's wrong. Tell me" Amanda demanded, making me face her. I nodded my head slowly, making Amanda's expression soften. "Please" 

"I don't know, Mandy. I actually don't know. When that waitress came, I just didn't like the way David was flirting with her" 

"What'd you mean?" Amanda question, confused at what I was saying here. 

"I felt my heart drop a bit at his suggestive comment. My face started to heat a bit -- in annoyance? I'm not too sure -- but a mix of emotions just purged through me" I revealed, realising what that could've mean. No... it couldn't be that. Maybe, I'm just overthinking. 

"But that's jealousy, Simon... you honestly can't be jealous of that woman receiving more attention from David than having it on yourself" Amanda murmured, not wanting to freak Simon out with what she was implying.

"Well, maybe I am. Maybe I am not. I'm just angry with myself now" I grumbled, taking a huge sip from my ginger tea. Time passed by for a bit, when I felt a numbing faint pain shot up from my shoulder. 

"I- Hey! Ouch! What was that for?" 

"You like him!" She cried out, my eyes bulging at the quick turn around of Amanda's attitude. Rather than noting it verbally, I chuckled in embarrassment to myself. 

"Huh, guess I do..." I blushed, revealing a deep shade of crimson on my cheeks and nose. 


Hope y'all enjoy! xD Love you all! 

I also like to dedicate to:



I may dedicate to some of you guys as well because you all deserve dedications! REMEMBER...


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