(Part 2) Inappropriate?

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Sorry if this ain't good :(


David POV

"My Simon is going to be having fun today, isn't he?" I piped up flamboyantly, displaying his feminine side again. "I mean, maybe that waitress and I can hang out after this. After all, she is staying at the hotel we're at" I teased, biting his lip from laughing at Simon's flustered and vexed face.

"David. I warned you" Simon says sternly, pointing his finger directly at me.

After the act was finished, I decided to cheer up the crowd with the bromance of Simon and I. The crowd seems to go wild for it, so I kept going throughout the whole day. Simon has hit his golden buzzer for Sarah, who was brilliant! One of the best singers we ever had on this show, in my opinion. It was an amazing moment for everyone, especially when I went to hug Simon for pressing the buzzer for such a talented person. As I embraced him in a warm hug, I felt him tense a bit, putting his hand around my waist, as if it was no big deal.

"You alright?" He whispered innocently in my ear, giving me a small touch of his lips on the side of my head. No one seems to notice, not even Alesha or Amanda.

"I'm fine. Just go congratulate Sarah" I beamed, making sure he goes to the stage sensibly. That moment made my heart go in a tumultuous behaviour but Simon seems as if nothing happened. His face was calm and his expression tells me nothing, which honestly makes my heart pang with pain. That's when the next contestant came. It was a tall, brunette head lady with a mix of emerald green and lapis lazuli eyes that shimmered with seductiveness. Her body was definitely curvy and let me just say that the outfit leaves little to imagination. A few whistles and woos came out from the crowd, especially from the men.

"Hello! Nice to see you!" Alesha says in a cheerful tone, only for me to hear a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Alesha! Babe! How are you?" She spoke, waving her hand at the still crowd.

"Good. Good. So urm-- what is it that you'll be doing?" 

"I will be showing you guys on how to do a lap dance but first I will need an assistant" She grinned, showing off the white glimpses of her shiny smile. She blew a kiss to the people in front, already setting a sort of platform for the audience. "I thought maybe David will like to get up here, since he's single!" She says, whilst winking and biting her lip at me in an erotic way. 

The audience captured the hint she gave to me, where the people from the front row were letting out a few whoops. I wasn't going to get up when I thought of something. I knew Simon wasn't keen on the idea and I knew he wouldn't like the concept of his David sitting on the seat, being given a lap dance from a sexy woman. I may be in a secret relationship but she is certainly sexy. 

"I would love too come onto the stage darling!" I say, making sure it was teasing Simon. 

Third POV

Simon's stomach twisted in knots, making his knuckles turn white. His face was displaying a bright vermillion flush, and his knees were going a bit wobbly from the discomfiture of the atmosphere. David knew it was getting to him, so he decided to do something about it. 

"C-can I just talk to David before he goes up please?" Simon questioned quietly, only for her to nod her head in agreement. "Thank you" 

"David" Simon says quietly, receiving a raised eyebrow from David. Simon got up from his seat and escorted David down the steps to the exit door. Simon had a feeling that Alesha and Amanda were both giggling over the notion of David having a private talk from him. They both walked in, making Simon stop both of them from walking any further.

"I'm going to let you go up there. The public will be suspecting a suspicious behaviour from me and I don't want that lady to touch you" Simon says, looking straight into David's brown eyes. David was rolling his eyes in response, only to poke fun at him. 

"Don't worry, Simon. I'll make sure she doesn't do anything to me! No need to be jealous" David teased in his camp behaviour, smiling at the flushed grown man. He flicked his hair back, letting his hand flow through the large stands of his gelled up hair. "Beside, I knew it was going to get to you. Sorry" He added, only to laugh at the look of Simon's shocked facial expression. 

"W-wait. You were just teasing me?" Simon says, emphasising the last few words in disbelief. 

"I mean, yeah. Plus, the audience would love to see it I guess. They love the bromance" He simpered lightly, putting his hand onto the door. "We better go before they think we're doing something inappropriate, especially the girls" 

As he was going to exit to the auditorium, Simon pushed him against the wall, taking David by surprise as he gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, immediately making him groan in pleasure. 

"You better watch out, Walliams. I finally know what you're doing and let me say, it's working" He then grazed his bottom lip against his jawline gently, grasping David's face in an alluring matter. He brushed the pads of his two thumbs across the crimson cheeks of the taller man, smiling at the quick turn around of the teasing game. 

"S-simon-- please" David whined, closing his eyes from the moment they were both sharing. Simon was in charge here and David knew if he messed with him, he will definitely be getting punished tonight.

"You make me like this, Walliams" Simon whispered hoarsely, pushing his lips onto David's harshly. A moan was elected from him again, making Simon smirk wickedly. "Now get out there and put a show on for me" 

David nodded his head slowly, stifling his bashful laugh from the switch he made from Simon. It was now his turn to blush profusely. They both finally exited out of the slightly illuminated room, ignoring the devious looks they were getting from Alesha and Amanda. David took the steps of the stage, waving at the crowd and bowing down to the cheering majority, knowing he was taking the spotlight away from the lady. 


As he was walking to the lady, David's phone went off which went unnoticed from anyone even David. No one even noticed the bright flash appearing through the pocket of his pants nor the bright vermillion blushes appearing on his cheeks and Simons. 

Little did they know that it was a message from Lara.  

No one knew about the messages from Lara and David knew it would look bad

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No one knew about the messages from Lara and David knew it would look bad. His friends would be finding out eventually but not from him. Unquestionably, not from him. David is frightened to tell anyone about this! No one will know. Saves him the trouble of coming out...



Hello! Hope yall enjoyed this! So I wasn't on wattpad for awhile and I hope the chapters were fine! Thank you for the support and I love you all very much! Thank you for everything and the Damon fandom is growing! Wow! Sorry if this chapter was crap but I tried really hard to update quickly before I go (again). 

Love you all and REMEMBER...

STAY DAZZLING! HUH! 🍔 (This quote is from Daz Games. I thought I mentioned it somewhere in my books but he's awesome!)

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