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Third POV

Ant and Dec were still in the cafe, sipping their cups of coffee, companied with smoky BBQ chips. The air was so thick, ever since David and Simon had that fight. That's when the waitress came over to talk to the two Geordies. 

"Ant and Dec...?" She asked quietly. Ant was just finishing his cuppa, when he saw the lady. He nudged Dec in the ribs, making him wince and pull his hand back away from the chips. "S-sorry to interrupt but... urm- is David around?" She questioned, making Ant furrow his brows together in confusion. 

"Sor'y but we don't kno' wher' he is" Dec answered, making Ant nod in response with him. "We can tel' him what youse wan'ed though" The waitress was looking at the small slip of paper she was holding, only to clutch onto it tightly. 

"I-it's fine. I think it'll be better for me to go up to him" She said, stuffing the paper into her pocket. As she was about to walk away from the duo, Ant popped up a question for her. "Wha's youse name?" The lady stopped and turned around, licking her lips in response. 

"The name's Lauren. Lauren Budd" (If you know who she is, comment below and I will give you this cookie 🍪<~)

"Lauren... hm" Dec grunted, only to giggle at himself. "Well they should be comi-" 

"Antsy! Decky!" A woman's voice cheered out. The three turned around to see Alesha and Amanda walk into the cafe with a big smile. "We have something special to tell you but I think it'll be better for them to come" Alesha winked, making Lauren roll her eyes secretly. Unlucky for her, Amanda saw her gesture. 

"Did Alesha do something wrong?" Amanda says, slightly resentful at Lauren, who flinched at the sound of Amanda's stern tone. Lauren subtle smile turn into a fake, large grin, who then giggled in response. Fake was the word that travelled around through the empty mind of Amanda. 

"Oh n-no, no, no, no! Darling. I just want to talk to David. That's all" Lauren says, pushing her tongue against the top part of her teeth. "Plus, he clearly showed interest in me. Alesha just needs to back away from him" She grinned, displaying a strong glint in her mahogany eyes. Alesha gave her a quizzing look, only for it to sink into an exasperated glance. 

"Back away? Me? Are you bloody serious? He doesn't even know you. Plus, that moment is nothing. Wait till you see David" Alesha spat, making sure Lauren wasn't messing with her nor Amanda. 

"Trust me, honey. David will fall for me and if it wasn't for that old fart, Simon, he would've been f**king me here on the countertop. I don't know how he ended up being friends with a..." Lauren looked up and down of Alesha's figure, only to cause Ant, Amanda and Dec to gasp at the last line. "Skank" Lauren sneered, poking her tongue out as a tease. That's when something next shocked all of them, especially the waitress. Alesha had pushed her clenched fist vigorously against the sharp jawline of Lauren, causing her to stumble backwards and hold onto her bruising jaw. 

"Say that again, and you won't be walking, honey " Alesha says sassily, flicking her hand back like a diva. Before Lauren had the courage and momentum to stand up for herself, David and Simon walked in right on time, much to her amusement. "David! Simon! There you guys a-" "David!" 

Lauren pushed herself up from the ground, sprinting to David who was next to Simon. She jumped onto the tall figure, clenching her legs and arms around him tightly, as if it was a koala attaching itself to a tree. David was pleasantly surprised, letting out a small oomph, giving Lauren the cue to giggle seductively. "Where were you?" The waitress smiled, biting her lip slowly. David was a bit annoyed and bemused by the actions of the waitress, so he tried to set her down on the floor. 

"Urm, hey? I-" David gazed a Simon, only to stutter at the beginning of his new sentence. "We, I mean, had a conversation upstairs and it'll be more sensible if we say sorry to what happened a few moments ago" David said, tugging the corners of his lips to a small smile. 

"I agree" Simon mumbled, brushing his hair backwards with his shaky hand. "I should've never done that. It was a silly feud but it's all over now. Hopefully, the restaurant was fine after we left" 

Simon POV

I've been getting a strange tingling feeling from this woman. She's flirting with David, thinking it's fine to just laugh and slap his chest playfully. She already told the manager about our apology, replying back with a message of how it is fine and that we were good people of expressing our regret. David is a skeptical man and him being blinded by the fact that this woman wanted him, made my heart drop.

"So, I was thinking" Lauren murmured, chewing her gum a bit loudly this time. "That you would like to go out tonight. The bar or maybe even... a club? Anywhere that keeps you going" She winked at him again, causing a deep crimson blush to creep itself onto my cheeks. David flickered his eyes towards me, seeing my lonely and inner self-conscious take over. 

"I a-am really sorry but I have plans for tonight. I thought it may be nice to have a talk with my boyfriend" David says calmly, making Lauren eye's bulge in shock. "B-boyfriend? Y-you mean, yo-"

"BOYFR'END?" Ant shouted from behind, earning a light smack behind his head from Dec. 

"So, you have a boyfriend" Lauren spluttered, emphasising the word 'boyfriend', as if its venom. David nodded his head in response, embracing his warm hands with mine. My hands were cold and shaky, mostly from the Lauren girl here. "Him?" Lauren was still upset, only to earn a scoff from myself. 

"It's not like you had a chance. We came to apologise and now we are going to the BGT studios. Let's go guys" I spoke, displeased with the waitress's attitude. She acts as if she knows David and that she is his girlfriend. Well news flash Lauren! He's mine now. I turned away from her to get ready for the trip. David was a bit shy and weak on what he wanted to say, but I knew what was on his mind. Before I dragged him to the exit, I pulled him in for a long and soft kiss, electing a small whimper that escaped from his lips. "We'll be off!" 

Lauren POV

They all left restaurant, leaving me to clean up after themselves. I was pissed off. My chances and opportunities to be with David is ruined! How dare Simon stepped in my way of my plan! I will make him pay. 

I was shaking from anger, pulling out the crinkled piece of paper that was in my pocket, opening it to reveal my phone number. 

"I will make him pay" 


HELLO! Sorry about the long update! Holidays is here and NO MORE EXAMS! YASS! BUT for those who have them, GOOD LUCK! Hope you all are okay and talk to me if you have ideas or if you are feeling down!

Bless those who are experiencing the attacks and hopefully everyone is okay! Prayers for London! 

All your stories are great and hope you enjoyed this! Love you all and REMEMBER...


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