Chapter 2. Already Here

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Wayzz's POV

I honestly have no idea why I'm standing in front of a bunch of human kids, watching Trixx trying to cope with all the advance new world she's been oblivious for a whole age. 

"My name's Trixie," she said. 

I almost laughed aloud. What kind of name was Trixie? 

I scanned Plagg and Tikki's face to spot some kind of realization dawning in their faces. Nope, not at all. They were completely blind. A 100%. That explained how they didn't marry yet. 

Trixx stepped back and nudged me forward. 

I sighed and slipped forward, hoping Plagg would stay a little more blind. "My name's Way. . ." I paused momentarily, I almost said my real name. ". . . ne. My name's Wayne." 

As the words left my mouth, I could feel Trixx softly laughing behind my back. I shot her a look. She rolled her eyes right back at me. 

Then just as I turned back, Plagg jumped up from his seat like a cat on fire. 

I didn't know what to feel: sad that he wasn't blind or happy that he wasn't blind. 

Plagg blinked at me with shock etched all over his face, surprised but at the same time laughing at me in a sneaky way. His finger was aimed at me, quavering with shock. 

"Patrick, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Ms. Bustier sharply said, it made Plagg subtly sit back down. 

I shot him a smirk. 

He glared at me. 

Ms. Bustier turned to us, looking perplexed at our appearance. I mean, she probably doesn't think my hair is 100% natural; it was electronic green. And Trixx always told me I had a player look. 

Well, the bigger problem is Trixx; with uneven lengths of her pigtails and an expression that tells me she's pissed off right now. And her eyes were a startling violet. She definitely was a bad girl style. 

A player and a bad girl. 

Who wouldn't be perplexed? 

"Uh, you guys can sit at the table beside Patrick and Tyler, right in the back," Ms. Bustier said, her hands flying nervously in the air. 

As I walked the aisles, I swooped a look at the twinkling as at me. They looked surprised and somewhat admiring. The only person that wasn't staring at me was Chloe, but I don't count her as a person. 

I watched as Trixx's hand smoothly went over the desk, looking excited. 

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