Chapter 3. Lonely

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Trixx's POV

I'm telling you, Plagg and Tikki could be either a really skilled stalker or professional spy agents. They've got skills. And I mean real skills. 

As soon as I set a foot out of the school, I hoped to blend into the chattering students that didn't seem at all bothered by my hair style. These kids have taste. 

"Trixx!" Tikki's voice screamed over the yelling students. 

I instantly marched off in a direction. I always loved to play tag. Tikki would never catch me, no matter what happened. It would always be Plagg who would catch me barely. 

A part of me wanted to scream like a little child and embrace Tikki

But a part of me was spirited and adventurous. 

I was a 100% sure I had lost them when someone gripped me firmly by the wrist. I whipped around; there was only one other creature in the world that could find through every disguise I threw on besides Master Fu. 


"The sanctuary is that way, stupid," he said, tugging on my sleeve and dragging me the opposite way. 

"Trixx!" Tikki shrilled. Right behind me. I almost went deaf. 

I immediately jumped and hid behind Wayzz. Not that it helped anyways, those two lovebirds came straight towards me. 

"Plagg, what happened to 'don't go looking for me'?" Wayzz snickered, imitating Plagg's voice in a snobby way. 

I tried not to pay attention to them. I really missed them, I really do, but I knew I had to focus on duty. This was my second chance, I didn't want to mess up on something that determined my freedom. I wanted to do it right this time.

"So, you're actually free now?" Tikki squealed in my ear. 

I curled a finger around Wayzz's shoulders and shielded off that cheerful smile. 

"Uh, not completely," I released a raspy mumble. "But Master Fu is giving both of us a second chance." Why was it so hard to be myself around other Kwamis? I never was a socialistic but talking in real life instead of faking out illusions was way harder than I thought. Especially when I didn't talk for an age. 

"So . . . you're with us now?" Plagg asked, looking hopeful. I could see that he missed his best mate.

I blinked and unconsciously tightened my grip. 

"No," Wayzz answered. Then he added, "We're here to find our next heroes. I don't think acknowledging us as Kwamis would help with our hero's secrecy." 

Tikki nodded her head. 

"Not that you guys would understand," Wayzz snorted. "I mean, who was the Kwami that managed to throw off the whole thing?" 

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