Chapter 15. Shield

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Trixx's POV

"Oh hi Chloe!" I squealed as I waved enthusiastically at the scowling girl. 

"Oh my plague," Tikki whispered behind me. I swiveled around with a wide smile, making sure my over-the-top twirling knocked away some chairs in the progress. 

"Oh, hi Tikki!" I shrilled as I wrapped my arms around and pulled her into a hug. 

Tikki took a deep breath. "Look, Trixx, I need to tell you something. I think it's best to put a shield around your essence. Just to make sure it doesn't get hurt accidentally by others." 

I smiled sweetly, "Are you telling this because Wayzz complained about it or because you were actually planning on it?" 

Tikki bit her lip, looking hurt. "I was going to tell you, Trixx, but you vanished yesterday." 

"Oh yeah, it's all my fault all the time, right?" I rolled my eyes then resumed smiling. "Oh and Tikki, I don't know if you're doing this on purpose but I can't cast a shield without Wayzz's permission. My powers are tied to his, thanks for Master Fu." 

"Then go ask him!" Tikki said with an equal fake-ness. Then she sighed, "Come on, Trixx. I get why you're doing this; to annoy Wayzz. But you should respect his way." 

"Then respect mine as well," I snapped before flinging away from her. "Tikki, you tell me to grow up but what if you're the only adult here?"

Sometimes, no one got me. 


Nino's POV

Awkward tension alert. Awkward tension alert. 

"So Patrick, do you want my cheese?" Trixie said as she dumped all her cheese at Patrick, who seemed overwhelmed. 

Trixie's disease didn't cease as lunch arrived. But her disease somehow made Wayzz shut up for the rest of the day. 

"Oh, hi Nino!" Trixie 'smiled'. She winked at me. "Do you want me to set you up with Alya?" 

I almost choked. 

Alya rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right," she laughed. Then she turned to me with a serious face. "No offense to you, big boy, but my heart is reserved for someone very special . . . like . . . Chat noir!" 

Adrien almost choked. 

Alya didn't seem to notice and continued, "I'm just kidding! But it should be someone very extra ordinary." Her eyes were dreamy. "I don't know. Someone that's kind, caring, listening, and not caring a single bit that I'm crazy." 

I drank water like it was lava. 

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