Chapter 12. Alya

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Alya's POV

I marched out of my house as quietly as possible, pressing myself close to the shadows. It was Alya the reporter's time to shine now. I pressed myself up the wall, sinking into the shadows. 

After meeting Jade Turtle, I realized that the heroes spontaneously made night patrols. And according to Chat noir, Ladybug often went out on Thursdays—which is quite ironic because that's when Marinette has her so-called internet 'sewing lessons'! 

I turned on my camera, whirring with life. I started filming the video, I know Nino always say that I start videos too early but you never know what happens; I might even catch a glimpse of Ladybug de-transforming. 

I walked on the moonlit streets, turning on my flashlight and pointing down at my notebook. Ladybug was rumored to be spotted near the Agreste Mansion so I'll hang by there. 

I thought I saw a figure on the darkened mansion so I climbed up the metallic emergency to stairs up to the building right beside it. 

"And . . . we might just see Ladybug," I whispered to myself, conscious of the fact that my voice was being recorded. 

I came all the way up to the rooftop and I let the chilly air wrap around me. It was cold, sharp, but somewhat refreshing. I zoomed my camera in on top of the Agreste Mansion. 

"Is that her?" I cried as I took a step closer. I put a foot on the edge of the roof. 

Then my foot slipped. 

And no, I didn't miraculously transform into Volpina in that split second of plummeting into the ground. And I also didn't start flying, if that's what your wondering. 

But I did get whisked off my feet by some blessed guy. 

"Hey . . . you alright?" breathed a familiar voice. 

I opened one eye to see a blinking hazel one back at me. I shrieked at the proximity between me and Jade Turtle; I could hear his rough breathing against my cheek. Freaking out, I flung my arms in the air. 

Jade Turtle winced as he struggled to not drop me as I squirmed desperately. 

"Oh . . . um, yeah, I guess? I mean, I didn't die so . . . yeah, I'm alright," I rushed, my voice getting faster by the moment. 

"Okay," Jade Turtle said awkwardly as he put me down. Then he brushed my shoulder awkwardly and breathed. "Um . . . so I'm guessing I'll be off." He smiled at me. 

For a second I thought my heart was racing. But that's probably my imagination, right? 

Just as he turned away, I grabbed him by the sleeve. Argh, why did I do that? Jade Turtle looked back at me with a quizzical face. I quickly blurted out, "Do you know where Ladybug is?" 

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