Chapter 13. Conflict

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Nino's POV

Oh no. There's sun in my eyes. I'm going to melt down soon. Tell my family I loved them. 

"Did I tell you that you narrate your thoughts?" Wayzz said beside with a sigh. "Sounds like somebody . . ." He rolled his eyes with a shiver. 

"Why does today have to be Monday?" I whined. "I mean, it's not fair, it could've been Saturday of Sunday, but no, it just had to be Monday." 

Patrick placed a hand on my shoulder. "So, Nino, there's this thing called a 'week' and there are seven days in it. So after Sunday, there's always Monday." 

"Okay, Monday is alright," I amended. "But why does it have to be a school day?" 

"It's the law, idiot," Alya said as she popped out of thin air and shoved Patrick away to walk in sync with us. "And . . . did anyone do their science homework?" 

Everyone stopped. 

"We had science homework?" we all gawked in unison, faces screwed and confusing clouded on our expression. 

"I knew it," Alya mumbled as she placed a hand on her face. 

"You see, I was kinda busy yesterday," I explained. "I had to go out at night and do things for my parents." 

"Same!" Wayzz looked at me and shared a look with Patrick. 

"Wow, crazy coincidence," Adrien cried. "Me too! Well, it was for my dad's company, more like but either way, I was outside. Some sort of night photo-shoot." 

"Wow," Patrick said, rolling his eyes. "It would've been cool if we all met, right?" 

"You have no idea," Wayzz muttered under his breath. 

I was so confused by the situation but I let it pass. It's probably some inside joke, anyways. 

"So nobody did their science homework?" Alya screeched. "How can all of you guys be so occupied and so . . . I don't know!" She flung her arms in the air. 

"Ask Marinette! Ask Trixie!" I cried in distraught.

"Well, apparently they both had stuff to do at the night as well!" Alya rolled her eyes. "Ever heard of internet sewing lessons and night time karate missions?" 

"Nope," Patrick said. "And that's some crazy coincidence." 

"Ugh, gotta go," Alya sighed as she raced off to join the girls in the distance. I realized that Trixie had her hair down today. 

"Look at Trixie's hair," Adrien remarked. "That ombre though. From orange to black, as someone who knows fashion, that's something hard to dye. Unless it's magic," he added with a joking grin. 

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