Chapter 5. Birth

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Nino's POV

It's not everyday someone pops into your house and says, 'Congrats! You're going to be a new hero from now on and suffer a lot!' If something like this happened to you, give me a call, we need to meet. 

I carefully placed my toy figurine on the desk. "Repeat it again," I said. 

Wayne took another sip of coffee—apparently it calmed him down—and looked at me once more, straight in the eye. "Do I look like I'm joking to you?" 

I first nodded my head and then quickly shook it. 

Taking a deep breath, I reached out and touched the bracelet Wayne had placed out. The turtle-shaped green stone in the middle glowed, as if warning me. I touched it gingerly and noticed that Wayne flinched a little. 

Wayne's eyes still followed my every single move. I couldn't find the cheeky, cunning boy I had seen an hour ago. I saw a pair of wisdom-filled eyes instead. I believed him. A hundred percent. 

"So, let me get this straight," I opened my mouth. "You are a Kwam, that can make—" 

"Kwami," Wayne corrected me. 

"Okay, a Kwami that can make civilians into superhero forms to save the day from evilized Akumas from Hawk Moth like Ladybug or Chat noir?" I rushed. 

Wayne looked proud of me. 

"And you also were sent to find heroes to accompany the act . . . and chose me?" I finished, weakly. 

Wayne looked even more proud of me. 

"Okay, just tell me how this thing works," I finally said, after staring at his eyes for at least 4 minutes. His eyes seemed to change every second, shifting by knowledge and understanding. 

"It's easy," Wayne explained as he picked up the bracelet from my hands. "It's a compacted magical item that holds my virtue and shares my powers with you but—" 

I blinked. "Rewind, rewind. I'm not that smart." 

Wayne blinked. "Okay. When I'm in here, you control my powers." 

I rolled my eyes, "Couldn't you have said that in the first place?" 

Wayne shrugged and put it down. "Now, the thing is . . . will you accept your position was a Jade Turtle and as the owner of the Turtle Miraculous?" 

I slowly nodded my head. "I mean, who wouldn't?" 

Wayne nodded eagerly. "I know, who wouldn't?" Then he softly added, "Oh, and in case you are wondering, I'm actually not a human form." 

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