Chapter 9. Protected

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Alya's POV

Trixx still wasn't giving me any advice about how to be a great hero. My second transformation was absolutely horrible. Before I realized it, a truck at storming in my direction, the head lights blinking right at me.

If you're going to ask me how I jumped over the ten feet long truck, first off, I didn't.

Someone yanked me off of my feet a moment before the truck collided into me and in the process, slammed me into someone's warm arms.

"Get off, vixen," breathed a familiar voice.

I breathed in some heavily-scented cologne before crawling off my living cushion. When I saw who I had crashed into, I fake-gagged, collapsing on someone's roof top.

"Oops, sorry!" Chat noir cried from the other rooftop, expertly swinging his baton around. "Wrong target!"

"You did that on purpose!" Jade Turtle yelled right beside me.

"You put too much cologne!" I screamed at his face, flinging my flute in his direction.

Jade Turtle's silhouette was illuminated by the setting sun. The red glow on his face looked really cool as he craned his neck to face me. His eyes sparkled in the gloom. "You either put really bad perfume or you sweat stink," he retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go, Volpina," he said as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me up.

I noticed that his veins stuck out on his neck when he strained. Was I that fat?

"Ready when you are, Shelly," I promptly declared as I trailed behind him. I tucked my flute into my fox-skin belt and flipped my hair.

"Why do girls do that?" Jade Turtle said, raising an eye brow at me.

"Do what?" I questioned, staring back at him.

"You know, flipping their hair and stuff," he said. Then he added, "Wait, are you hitting on me right now?"

"Excuse me?" I blinked. "Girls can flip their hair purely because the hair particles had started clinging to their skin, resulting in sweaty hairline. My life doesn't revolve around boys, genius."

"Good to know," Jade Turtle snorted, placing his glimmering shield on his back. Then he paused, as if he was trying to say something to be but couldn't bring himself to say it.

"What?" I said.

"I—never mind," he quipped. "Come on, Chat and Ladybug is waiting for us." Then he jumped off the roof, sailing through the air and slamming himself on the other side.

I followed him with a question.


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