Chapter 16. Hunch

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Nino's POV

"Wayzz, you're probably listening so let me just talk," I muttered to myself in a low voice as I prowled along the dark alleyways. Chat noir and I decided to take nights patrols, even days are on him and odd days on me. 

"What's happening between you and Trixie?" I blurted. "Like you guys are both acting really strange but then you're smiling and she's scowling. Did you mess around with her? A mortal?" 

I glanced down at the dark street, finding it perfectly abandoned, and moved on. 

"I shouldn't, you know, start interfering but you should really apologize to Trixie. I may not know Kwamis, but I know troubled teenagers with a mountain of pressure on their shoulders," I said, remembering Adrien. "They need a lot of attention." 

"I don't know your situation," I continued. "But it's always best following your heart. Tyler told me that once." 

As I stepped down a curb, a figure jumped on me from behind, blinding with their hands. 

"Guess who?" a voice shouted in my ear. 

I paused and guessed, "Alya?" 

There was a pause. Okay, I'm guessing I was wrong. 


"You got that right!" The hands flew off from my eyes and my vision returned. I whipped around to face a very triumphant hero. 

"Your voice sounds a lot like Alya," I commented. 

"I wonder why," Volpina shrugged. Then her face brightened up. "Oh and my Kwami told me that our repelling forces are bam! Gone." She looked adorable when she was excited.  

I blinked. Did I just think that?

"And now," Volpina resumed. "You are going to entertain me." She waved her hands drastically. 

I couldn't look at her face without noticing how adorable she was!

This is disastrous! I have to stay loyal to Alya. I can't just fall in love with two different girls at the same time and want both! I'm a horrible, horrible person. I'm an idiot. 

"Entertain me!" Volpina cried as she clung to my arm with gleaming eyes. 

Oh my gosh. I can't do this. 

"I'm sorry," I apologized before I brushed off her hands. I focused my gaze on the buildings behind her as I added, "I have to go now." 

Volpina didn't say anything. I slowly started walking away, painfully. 

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