Chapter 19. Cheater cheater pumkin eater

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Adrien's POV

When you just discovered that four people you know are cheating against each other, you don't wake up that good in the morning. 

"Problem?" Plagg asked as we walked to school. 

"Nothing," I mumbled back. Plagg had a surprisingly big mouth. I'm not going to tell him this major issue. 

"Okay," Plagg shrugged. "But I always have spare therapy cheese if you need some." As if to prove himself, he magically produced camembert out of thin air. 

"Yeah, thanks but no thanks," I groaned back. "I'm kinda in the middle of a situation that I can't do anything about." 

"I know what that's like," Plagg nodded. "But once everyone just realizes the goodness of cheese, everything is just poof! Problems solved! Let's go get cheese for Plagg the amazing!" 

"Huh," I raised an eyebrow. "Anytime that worked out properly?" 

"It works everytime!" Plagg exclaimed. "Like one time, Trixx and Pollen were fighting and Trixx was throwing axes at her." Okay, Kwamis are violent. "But I gave her Camembert instead of the ax, so kaboom! To this day, Pollen is alive thanks to me." 

"I really wanna meet this 'Trixx'," I laughed. Then I added sarcastically, "I mean, she threw camembert at people's faces? How cool is that?" 

"A lot!" 

"That was sarcasm, Plagg," I pointed out. 

"Adrien, you can't do 'sarcasm', you're too dense," Plagg replied. 


Okay, I thought waking up to the fact that my bestfriend was cheating was bad enough. But seeing him holding hands with his girlfriend was even worse. 

"What?" Nino asked me, confused. 

I glared at him. 

"What?" Nino cried. "Just tell me if you finally want your five euros back." 

I glared at him with more intensity. 

"It wasn't about the money, right?" Nino asked. 

I glared at him. 

Nino turned to Plagg and jerked a thumb at me. "Did Adrien finally master the I-can-talk-with-my-eyes level? Or is he just glaring at me for fun?" 

Plagg looked at me and looked at him. "I think he's just in a bad mood." 

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