Chapter 18. WHAT

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Alya's POV

"Ooh, Nino, let me introduce you my Kwami," I squealed as I grabbed him and dragged him to a shady corner of the school. "This is Trixx, you probably know her." 

Nino blinked, waves of shock lapping into his face. I laughed. 

"Hi," Trixx raised a hand before crossing her arms. "And congratulations, that was one dense movie I was watching." She patted me on the shoulder. 

"Oh, um, thanks," he smiled weakly. "I guess this explains all the tension you have between Wayzz. You're the Trixx he's been talking about." 

I blinked questioningly. 

"Wayne is Wayzz," Trixx shrugged. "Just asking, why isn't here at school today?" 

I paused, realizing that WayneㅡI mean, Wayzzㅡhaven't come to classes either. I haven't really noticed it, since I was usually around Trixx and he usually avoided her. But with the confused look on Nino, I knew that he actually hadn't come to school. 

Okay rewind my thoughts I need to do some freaking out first. 

"Wayne is Wayzz?" I shrieked. "And no one told me about it?" 

Trixx waved her hands. "There are a lot of things humans don't know." 

I mumbled sullenly, "Next thing I know I'm probably gonna see Ladybug." 

"I think he's taking a break," Nino shrugged nonchalantly. 

"But he transformed you," Trixx asked. 

"Yeah, he did," Nino answered. "But at the same time, he didn't; it was more like a independant magical thing. He didn't appear out of the charm when I de-transformed." He seemed proud of himself. 

"Okay, thanks," Trixx mumbled before brushing past both of us. 

"What was that?" I asked him. 

"Awkwardness in human form," he replied back, rolling his eyes. 

"But at least you're my awkwardness in human form," I giggled before looping my arms around his, smiling brightly. 


Trixx's POV

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. 

"I haven't seen him," Plagg offered. "You're talking about Wayzz, right?" 

"I talked to him yesterday," I said, stabbing the water. "It was like it was a whole another Kwami, you know? Like he actually apologized for whatever he did. It's like something's taken over him." 

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